Ditko's Shorts Archives

Yoe Books Launches The Yippie Yi Yoe Society – Hear Their Theme Song
They brough us Alice in Comicland in 2014, a collection of beautiful Alice in Wonderland themed comics from a wide spectrum of classic creators, and also many a volume of horror comics including Ditko's Shorts. And well, now they are chanting "One of us! One of us!" and encouraging us all to develop a feeling of[...]
The Terror! Witness Craig Yoe's Weird Love For Horror Comics And Their Enduring Legacy
And we are doing more Ditko books, like the book we just did with editor Fester Faceplant, the soon-to-be-released Ditko's Shorts which includes Ditko's great horror and fantasy short-form comics  Clizia Gussoni (a.k.a Madame Clizia), Steve Banes (a.k.a Mr Karswell) and I (a.k.a Firelock the Warlock) are always working away on our popular floppy bi-monthly[...]