dogu Archives

JobWatch: Lena Atanassova, Justin Eisinger & Bartek Jelonek
First, Justin Eisinger has been announced as Samurai Rabbit/Usagi Yojimbo publisher Dogu Publishing's first Editor-in-Chief, publishing through Dark Horse Comics. "Best known for his work as co-author with George Takei on the graphic biography "They Called Us Enemy" and the just announced "It Rhymes With Takei," Eisinger's passion for inspired storytelling and knowledge of the publishing[...]
Usaji Yojimbo Quits IDW, Back at Dark Horse & Stan Sakai Imprint Dogu
Dark Horse Comics has just announced a new partnership with Stan Sakai's new imprint Dogu Publishing, alongside season 2 of the Netflix cartoon It comes alongside the news that IDW lost its Star Wars license to Dark Horse, and its Transformers and GI Joe licenses to parts unknown but suspected as Skybound Dogu Publishing is[...]