eccc Archives

Dynamite And Atomic Robo Exclusives At ECCC
Here's a look at the Dynamite exclusive covers for ECCC, next weekend One for Shadow Year One, another for Masks and two for the Red Team. ComiXology and Red 5 are also trying something new, a convention-exclusive digital comic. Every attendee will find a code on their ECCC badge to download a copy of[...]
Tim Sale Sketches The Black Widow At ECCC (VIDEO)
Taken by Alexander Añé at ECCC for Bleeding Cool, Tim Sale sketching Black Widow…. [youtube][/youtube] Taken by Alexander Añé at ECCC for Bleeding Cool, Tim Sale sketching Black Widow…. [youtube][/youtube] Taken by Alexander Añé at ECCC for Bleeding Cool, Tim Sale sketching Black Widow…. [youtube][/youtube] [...]
Jesse James Hits ECCC. And Finds A Soft Landing.
Uber-fanboy Jesse James hit ECCC in Seattle this weekend for Bleeding Cool This is what he brought back with him; One day my company offered me a new position in Seattle I lived in Florida at the time The Pay was awesome and the new perks I just couldn't resist However, he said "can you look[...]
Explaining Avatar Comics To A Ten Year Old Girl
Jeffrey Whitelaw attended ECCC for Bleeding Cool He was rather busy. Ah, the Avatar Panel This was the only panel at ECCC where I actually felt like a fanboy You're probably reading Bleeding Cool right now, so I don't need to explain to you why It's also the reason I didn't write up the plugs for[...]
Mike And Laura Allred – Making A Monster Out Of Madman
Gavin Lees wrote for Bleeding Cool from ECCC This year marks the 20th anniversary of Mike Allred's Madman, a landmark that he's celebrating in style with a huge 11×17 hardcover collection — the Madman 20th Anniversary Monster! — which features a new story from Allred (with trademark colours from his wife, Laura Allred) and contributions from[...]
Homeless Batman To An Inviting Cloak And Dagger – Cosplay With Kristen Leigh At ECCC
Thanks to Kristen Leigh, and her photographic skills at ECCC, here's a look at some rather fun cosplay and a little celebrity to boot… #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Thanks to Kristen Leigh, and her photographic skills at ECCC,[...]
The Writer's Quest At ECCC, Days 2 And 3: "Be Canadian"
Matt Funk wrote, and took photographs, for Bleeding Cool at ECCC In my first piece here on Bleeding Cool, I outlined my first day strategy at Emerald City Comic Con It was all about meeting people and making connections Getting my face and my work in front of as many professional eyeballs as possible Day 2[...]
Darick Robertson Writes And Draws "Before The Boys"
Jeffrey Whitelaw attended ECCC for Bleeding Cool Amongst other websites… I initially approached Darick Robertson so that I could get some quotes for an article on The Boys I'm working on for another site [Bastard – Rich] As the conversation progressed he said some fantastic things that I had to share with Bleeding Cool readers[...]
The Superheroes Are Dying And Other ECCC Snippets by Matt Funk
Matt Funk went to ECCC for Bleeding Cool This is what he discovered; There is lots of random stuff I talked to creators about at ECCC wandering the show floor that I thought was interesting or amusing but didn't necessarily warrant an article by itself Here are but a few: –Anthony Del Col of IDW's Kill Shakespeare[...]
Talking To Chris Roberson And Mike Allred About The End Of iZombie
Jeffrey Whitelaw talked to Chris Roberson at ECCC for Bleeding Cool; Saturday at the ECCC Vertigo: New Blood panel, in a story that is familiar to Vertigo readers, it was announced that IZombie is ending Bleeding Cool has a reputation for announcing the cancellation of Vertigo titles at comic conventions but I was curious about the[...]
ECCC: Writer Kurtis J. Wiebe Talks Peter Panzerfaust, Debris and Green Wake
Matt Funk talks to Kurtis J Wiebe for Bleeding Cool from ECCC; Kurtis J Wiebe is the author of the Image Comics series' The Intrepids, the critically acclaimed Green Wake, the recent sell-out debut Peter Panzerfaust and the upcoming Debris I caught up with him after his "Writers Unite! Pitching Your Own Creator-Owned Comics" panel to[...]
ECCC: Erik Larsen – After Supreme And Before Watchmen
Gavin Lees writes for Bleeding Cool from the floor of ECCC; Despite his abrasive reputation, I've always found Erik Larsen to be a very personable and entertaining creator to speak to.  I try to make it a point of order to chat to him each year and have him hold forth on some aspect of the[...]
ECCC: Tr!ckster And Live Art After Hours
Cameron Hatheway reports from the streets of Seattle, round and about ECCC We are not picking up his bar tab. I don't appear to learn from my mistakes After being terribly hung over from Friday's reporting, I went out once again to get equally smashed last night Only I originally had one event I was planning[...]
ECCC: Strange Attractors, Debris And Grim Leaper
Jeffrey Whitelaw is attending ECCC for Bleeding Cool He writes; Yesterday at ECCC I talked to a few Image creators about what they're working on next. First up was Charles Soule, writer of two fantastic books, 27, and Strongman, I apologize because I had a recorder malfunction, but I did find out a few things. The first thing[...]
ECCC: Speed Dating Cameron Hatheway
Cameron Hatheway is Number 8 Months prior to the convention, I saw an ad on the Emerald City ComiCon website for a speed dating service for nerds called
ECCC: Jonathan Case On Reviving The Creep with John Arcudi
Gavin Lees writes for Bleeding Cool from the floor of ECCC; Jonathan Case really established himself on the comics scene last year with the release of both his long-awaited graphic novel, Dear Creature, and his stark, disturbing work on The Green River Killer with Jeff Jensen.  With an illustrative style that hearkens to the golden[...]
ECCC: The Vertigo New Blood Panels –  And The End Of iZombie
Kelly Sean writes for Bleeding Cool from ECCC; In attendance we have Eric Trautmann, Steve Lieber, Brandon Jerwa, Shelly Bond, Bill Willingham, Mike Allred and Dustin Nguyen. Having technical difficulties with the laptop to projector no slides yet. Shooters is a contemporary military graphic novel from Trautmann, Jerwa, Lieber Centers around a special ops soldier with post-traumatc stress[...]
ECCC: Michael Avon Oeming's The Victories And Axe Cop's Dong-Nose
Judd Morse writes for Bleeding Cool from ECCC, and collated a few highlights from yesterday's Dark Horse panel. The Black Beetle, Francesco Francavilla's new book will be featured in an upcoming Dark Horse Presents Francavilla described the book as a tribute to old pulp heroes with a different spin on the genre He said the DHP[...]
Saturday Trending Topics: DCECCC
 But today was largely about ECCC on Bleeding Cool, with our convention correspondents — including Judd Morse, Gavin Lees, Cameron Hatheway, Matt Funk, Jeffrey Whitelaw, and Kelly Davis — providing some rather stellar coverage  Posts about a pair of DC panels was widely discussed today, but we've got much, much more coming from the show[...]
Terry Dodson Talks To Gavin Lees About His Muse
  Gavin Lees is at ECCC for Bleeding Cool He talks to Terry Dodson about his new graphic novel – Muse. Terry Dodson is well-renowned for his mainstream superhero work in the US, and is one of the most sought-after talents at the moment.  However, later this year will see the publication of Muse —[...]
ECCC: Charlie Adlard And Joe Casey's Rockbottom And Tony Harris' Roundeye
Judd Morse writes for Bleeding Cool from ECCC: There were a few notable announements at Saturday's Image 20th anniversary panel on Saturday Briefly… Joe Keating, writer of Glory, promised lots of the old "ultraviolence" over then next few issues The next arc takes place 500 years in the future. Joe Casey said that the eighth issue of Butcher[...]
ECCC: Questions And Answers With Robert Kirkman
Judd Morse writes for Bleeding Cool from ECCC; What is it with chubby guys in comics being absolutely hilarious?  Kevin Smith, Eric Powell, Robert Kirkman.  There must be something about adult onset diabetes that triggers some kind of latent humor gland in comic book fans. Anyway.  Walking Dead creator and Image Comics bigwig Robert Kirkman held an[...]
Cameron Hatheway Goes On A Date At ECCC
Cameron Hatheway writes from ECCC for Bleeding Cool But while he's there, he has other things on his mind; I'm the kind of guy who enjoys a good after-party or two Intrigued by the suggestions of Emerald City Comicon, I attended both MINTcondition and Kirby Krackle at the Hard Rock. MINTcondition was a very small space to[...]
Cameron Hatheway's First Sketchy Day At ECCC
Cameron Hatheway writes for Bleeding Cool from ECCC: Day One: Billion dollar idea; candy you serve to children on airplanes to knock them the fuck out On my 6:30AM flight to Seattle, I had a rambunctious 7-year old sitting behind me, making idiotic observations about what he saw outside, and playing on his loud and noisy cellphone[...]
The Walking Dead Bible Hits ECCC (UPDATE)
Kelly Davis writes from ECCC for Bleeding Cool. And gives us a first look at The Walking Dead Compendium One in the wild, no longer just in its standard form but now in its limited-to-1000 Bible style edition, hardcover, gold trim, the lot. Skybound is selling a very limited amount each day, with the remaining stock destined[...]