Featherstone Archives

Preacher Confessions: 'Damsels' Takeaways (Is George R.R. Martin God?)
of irony in the episode's title, an obvious turn on the phrase "damsels in distress" that gives connotation of women in trouble needing to be rescued by men. Through three separate storylines involving Tulip, Tracy Loach (Gianna LePera) and Lara Featherstone (Julie Ann Emery) respectively, we are presented with three female characters who are taking control[...]
There's A Lot (More) Happening In Season 2 Of Preacher
Pip Torrens will be playing the part of Herr Star, Malcolm Barrett will be Hoover, and Julia Emory will take the role of Featherstone It remains a secret about who Noah Taylor will be. In terms of what to look forward to with the story itself, there's going to be a lot going on Following up[...]