Grace Randolph writes;
DC Villains Month kicks off September 2013 with Forever Evil #1 from Geoff Johns and David Finch I talk about how Forever Evil will focus on Lex Luthor, Catwoman and Nightwing, plus how this special DC Villains month will be chock full of villains to celebrate the anniversary of the New 52[...]
forever evil Archives
Yesterday, we ran further confirmation that Nightwing is going to be the central focused character event for Forever Evil.
Which naturally everyone seemed to believe means that he's getting killed off After all, Dan DiDio has form in this regard.
Except that's not happening Nightwing will live.
Although, given what I'm told does happen, at the hands of[...]
Talking about Forever Evil
"It's going to start with Nightwing," reminding us that Dan DiDio wanted to kill off Nightwing in Infinite Crisis…
A few weeks ago, when Dan DiDio was saying "One of our major recognizable characters will be affected in a very dramatic way."
We said that the character was going to be Nightwing.
Aaron Haaland[...]
in last month's Justice League Of America it looked like he killed Catwoman.
And he's all over Trinity War and Forever Evil.
But who is he?
We've just been told He's The Outsider.
The version first seen in Flashpoint.
Geoff Johns has been planning this for some time.
He also appears still-unnamed in today's Justice League Of America, in the[...]
And a Forever Evil seven issue mini-series and crossover, spinning out of Trinity War And that some villain books would continue past this issue Because there will be some new issue ones involved here.
Most-Read Comic Stories Monday:
DC Comics Officially Announces 3D Covered Villain Month For September, And Forever Evil, All At $3.99
We weren't far off[...]
Seriously DC, who do you think Batman is, Wonder Woman?
And USA Today is all up on Forever Evil by Geoff Johns and David Finch… as well as a number of spin off series, which should help bulk up the expected 56 titles for September.
The goings-on in Forever Evil will spill into other comics[...]
Taking another look at those revealed 3D covers for Villain Month, so far that we talked about earlier... Batman, bound by Poison Ivy's vines. Bound and
We then reported that, as part of this, Geoff Johns and David Finch would be creating a series/event dubbed Forever Evil, spinning out of Trinity War We also said that DC Comics were planning a series of 3D covers.
We weren't far off the mark The all have issue one in their titles But numerically they[...]
Will we be getting the new Power Ring from a Crime Syndicate Of America in an upcoming Geoff Johns comic? Having a direct tie to Oa while wielding the most powerful green ring in the multiverse? Could it be part of Forever Evil?
It's a thought…
Okay, it's a bit of punt.
Over in Green Lantern, we[...]
From a variety of sources, we've come to piece together that in September, DC are running 52 one shot comics starring the villains of the New 52, and four issues of something called Forever Evil by Geoff Johns and David Finch And titles will include the members of the Society Of Super-Villains, and all the[...]
The death that will kick off Forever Evil into September and beyond But there are things worth considering.
1) It might not be Catwoman There have been hints in the series that this may be someone new under the cowl.
2) It could be the Martian Manhunter, at this point, impersonating Catwoman and taking the bullet in[...]
Okay, so Forever Evil gets first nametagged in today's Justice League Of America #4 out today, where Catwoman starts to explore the Secret Society Of Evil.
You know what they say about curiosity and the cat, right?
First of all we get to understand the degree of the Society's reach…
Then, for the first time, I see that[...]
Lots of stuff developing on Forever Evil yesterday, and still more coming today, looks like. After running yesterday's rumour about DC's Villain Month potentially being called Forever Evil, I'm told that yes, there will be a new series with that title from September It may be weekly for September, which may explain the expected 56 title[...]
After running yesterday's rumour about DC's Villain Month potentially being called Forever Evil, I'm told that yes, there will be a new series with that title from September It may be weekly for September, which may explain the expected 56 title number count as opposed to 52 for that month.
And that it will also be[...]
Yesterday, we mentioned that DC Comics were to launch a new series called Forever Evil and that it might name the entire Villains' Month.
So we checked the trademark list and, ooh look… from DC Comics, we find, under that name;
Serial: #85929411; / Filing Date: May 11th, 2013
Filing Identifier: 20130511155602681808-85929411
Filing Description: Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
Well, I think we'll see a little more about Forever Evil soon.
Most-Read Comic Stories Monday:
Will DC's Villains Month Be "Forever Evil?"
"Forever Evil" indeed I understand, after some sleuthing at the Phoenix Comic con, that may well be the name of the DC Villains Month that Bleeding Cool first broke last year, in September.
Lying In The[...]
Which gives us the legend "Aeturnus Malum" on a Secret Society Of Evil communication dollar.
"Forever Evil" indeed I understand, after some sleuthing at the Phoenix Comic con, that may well be the name of the DC Villains Month that Bleeding Cool first broke last year, in September.
Or it may be the name of a new[...]