free comic book day Archives

Boom Changes Free Comic Book Day Offering From Dune To Hypernaturals
This, of course, can trigger fan outrage as they feel that a company isn't leveling with their fans, who then perceive this as disrespect when all the company is doing is trying to honor their contract. So we come to Boom's announced Free Comic Book Day book this year, Dune, based on the best-selling series of[...]
Thursday Trending Topics: Age Of Ultron
Now we have Nightwing symbolically beating up the Marvel Universe. The Launch Of Bendis And Hitch's Age Of Ultron | Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors We already showed you what the DC Free Comic Book Day retailer customizable version would look like Now we have the Marvel version, only available to retailers[...]
The Launch Of Bendis And Hitch's Age Of Ultron
We already showed you what the DC Free Comic Book Day retailer customizable version would look like Now we have the Marvel version, only available to retailers who order vast quantities It's intended to be used in mailshots or attached inside local newspapers, or given away in mass drives, each copy featuring the details of[...]
Radical Publishing Drops Out Of Free Comic Book Day
With Free Comic Book Day several weeks away, now it's time to find out… the books you won't be getting. We already know that, after a cease-and-desist and the compliance of Antarctic Press, it's doubtful you'll get betting the Free Comic Book Day version of Diary Of A Zombie Kid However the book is still listed[...]
Preview: Free Comic Book Day 2012
It's getting closer and closer to Free Comic Book Day … in that there's only three and a bit months to go.  But it's a lot closer to the point when retailers hand in their orders to take part in the annual promotion that sees stores give out hundreds of free comics to their customers[...]
Free Comic Book Tattoos
Lollipops, T-shirts, comic boxes, temporary tattoos, bookmarks, wristbands, stickers, buttons, there's a lot more to Free Comic Book Day than Free Comic Books… here are some of the items that may be available in your local store on May 5th.           Lollipops, T-shirts, comic boxes, temporary tattoos, bookmarks, wristbands, stickers, buttons, there's a lot more to[...]
DC Reduces Qualification Numbers For Customizable FCBD Title
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool told you about the DC Comic Retailer Customizable Free Comic Book Day title for 2012, where retailers can list their details and offers on the front cover, earlier in the week. Well now we know a few more details. Unlike last year's Green Lantern equivalent which was not taken up by many,  retailers will[...]
DC Offers Retailers Customizable Comic For Free Comic Book Day 2012
DC's New 52 Free Comic Book Day title, as well as showing off the best of the relaunched titles, will also offer retailers the chance to show themselves off too. Customizable covers have become quite the rage, wth Avatar, IDW and Marvel offering multiple versions of covers for specific retailers who qualify. But this time the cover[...]
Grant Morrison, Stan Lee And Dune Join Free Comic Book Day 2012
Earlier this week we looked at the Gold Titles for next year's Free Comic Book Day, including a Mouse Guard hardcover, an Image 20th anniversary book and Transformers #80.5 relaunching the Marvel Transformers continuity. Today, we see the remaining thirty-five Silver titles for Free Comic Book Day, with a smaller distribution and a wider range of[...]
Lady Death For Free Comic Book Day 2012
Yesterday, we told you about Valiant's Free Comic Book Day offering for next year Well now (through hush hush sources that you'd never guess) I can tell you that Boundless/Avatar will have their first FCBD offering for May, Lady Death: The Beginning. Written by Brian Pulido and Mike Wolfer, drawn by Marcelo Mueller with a cover[...]
Valiant To Debut New Comic Line For Free Comic Book Day 2012
Valiant Entertainment is to launch in May 2012 with Free Comic Book Day, and a free comic featuring stories from X-O Manowar, Bloodshot and Harbinger, along with a slate of issue ones of the new Valiant comics The cover above features X-O Manowar by Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic. Valiant Entertainment is to launch in May 2012 with[...]
Free Comic Book Day – The New 52 To The Old Avengers 12.1
Free Comic Book Day have announced the 2012 Gold level of free comic books, that will be available in all participating stores on May the 5th next year. DC seem to want to show off all the 52 books, Boom have Peanuts and Adventure Time on a flipbook, Archaia have a 48 page Mouse Guard original[...]
Jim Lee To Design Free Comic Book Day T-Shirt 2012
This is the normal Free Comic Book Day in the first half of 2012, not the new Hallowe'en Free Comic Book Day for one year's time. But Justice League bestselling artist Jim Lee will be designing the official shirt. I would be surprised to see a little Justice League in the DC Free Comic Book Day publications. I[...]
Diamond Announces A New Free Comic Book Day For Hallowe'en
It is also half a year from Free Comic Book Day This year, Diamond have been promoting a bunch of cheap mini-comics for kids from a number of publishers, to give or sell cheap to kids duting Hallowe'eb season. But next year, it goes big time At the New York Comic Con Retailer's Breakfast, courtesy of[...]
So That Was Free Comic Book Day. Now What?
One of the bugbears amongst some comic retailers over Free Comic Book Day is that's the only time they see certain people who turn up, take a stack of free comics and then leave But, considering the flood of people through the doors of comic shops worldwide this past Saturday, just how do you keep[...]
The Speculator Hits Of Free Comic Book Day 2011
But some of them, clearly, are. A copy of the Free Comic Book Day edition of ICE has sold for $4 A copy of the Free Comic Book Day edition of Atomic Robo has sold for $5.25 A copy of the Free Comic Book Day edition of Super Dinosaur has sold for $5.50 A copy of the Free Comic[...]
Free Comic Book Day Traffic Up Worldwide
Maybe we're all just greedy bastards. But reports from around the world consistently agree that the audience for Free Comic Book Day was up Publicity was out there, with coverage across national and local media, and celebrity twittering to boot Retailers stepped up events, with big name signings, cosplay and free cookies. But even stores that admittedly[...]
Thirty-Seven Free Comic Book Day 2011 Videos
Here's a runaround the world to see Free Comic Book Day being observed everywhere! 1 Robert Kirkman at Golden Apple with Super Dinosaur… while Super Dinosaur overheats… [youtube][/youtube] 2 Cully Hamner sketches [youtube][/youtube] David Mack talking Philip K Dick [youtube][/youtube] 3[...]
Saturday Trending Topics: The Gold Key To My Heart
Another Free Comic Book Day is in the books, and judging from the 440 or so comic book retailers on twitter, it was another good one In other news, it sounds like Dark Horse's Gold Key line is being cancelled Shame about that Magnus was one of the first comics I bought on[...]
Free Comic Book Day 2011 Hits Ebay
So you want to get all 37 Free Comic Book Day comics but don't live near a comic shop? How much will it cost you to get a set? $65 apparently. That's if you want; AMAZING SPIDER-MAN AVATAR LAST AIRBENDER / STAR WARS CLONE WARS FLIP BOOK PEP COMICS BETTY & VERONICA DARKWING DUCK / CHIP DALE RESCUE RANGERS FLIP[...]
Free Comic Book Day At Acme Comics – The Live Webcam Feed
And as the live webcam feed seen above, they have all the Free Comics and stacks of Free Comics bags waiting for the crowd outside. It's Free Comic Book Day everyone Let's watch See if we can spot Fred Van Lente, Nick Spencer, Chris Samnee or Chris Giarrusso signing stuff They've got over a hundred people[...]
Free Comic Book Day In Central London
So we missed the initial crowds in London for Free Comic Book Day But here's what we saw And what we got. Orbital Comics just off Leicester Square were giving away three free comics with each purchase – but with boxes with comics for ten pence by the side of the till, this was hardly a[...]
The Saturday Morning News: Tracking Thor And #freecomicbookday
What are you doing on Free Comic Book Day? Grab a civilian friend and get to your local, and maybe let us know what's going on using #freecomicbookday or with a twitpic or two. Meanwhile, the weekend is well underway as far as the box office is concerned  Thor earned $3.3 million domestically Thursday[...]
Saturday's Free Comic Book Day 2011 Runaround (UPDATE)
This Saturday is Free Comic Book Day All over the world, comic book stores will be giving away free comics But some will be doing even more Here are a few of them. UK Birmingham Nostalgia & Comics Paul Cornell (writer of Action Comics, Captain Britain, Knight & Squire, Doctor Who) & his artistic collaborator[...]
Brave New World's Wonderful Free Comic Book Day Ad
Here's Brave New World Comice of Newhall, California's ad for Free Comic Book Day, coming up on May 7th Nice Wonder Woman sting at the beginning. [youtube][/youtube] Here's ours from last year with a certain Mr Kevin Smith. [youtube][/youtube] ANyone want to refilm that one with this year's stock, and amend the "1st" to "7th"? [...]
Free Comic Book Day 2011 – The Gold Books
These are the titles that should be available in every comic book store participating in Free Comic Book Day on May 7th, 2011 Free comics Free comics Free comics Silver books to be announced soon… Ape Entertainment KIZOIC PRESENTS: KUNG FU PANDA/RICHIE RICH FLIP BOOK Archaia Entertainment DARK CRYSTAL/MOUSE GUARD FLIP BOOK Archie Comics BETTY[...]