Mi'pu'mi Games revealed this week they have made a new teal to have their upcoming game Howl published by astragon Entertainment It's some cool news that they have decided to come in and publish the game, but beyond that, there's no extra news tied to it Like, we still know it's scheduled for 2023, but[...]
Howl Archives
Indie developer and publisher Mi'pu'mi Games released a brand new gameplay video for their upcoming title Howl This isn't just your run-of-the-mill video of a few clips put together, not at all! This is over 13 minutes of footage from the game as the developers take you on what is essentially an exploration guide for[...]
Indie developer and publisher Mi'pu'mi Games announced this past week that their next game Howl is coming to PC and Switch in 2023 The game has you playing as a lone deaf hero looking for the remedy to a plague that has swept the lands, as you'll attempt to brave the wilds and find one[...]