imagined order Archives

Wolverine Has Quite The "Crossover" With Fortnite, Today
As The Imagined tells Wolverine her story, and her relationship with The Imagined Order as one of the daughters of Geno. Might a Geno/Mister Sinister crossover be in the offing at some point? Maybe not in the way that The Imagined and Wolverine are thinking. And we learn little Fortnite lore along the way regarding this particular[...]
Is Fortnite Island Coming To Metropolis? (Spoilers)
And talking of sources of power… Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #6 We get the first mention of the comics of IO, or The Imagined Order With Doctor Slone And a suitable Fortnite guard. Doctor Slone is a skin one can wear on Fortnite, as well as an NPC character hanging around the Corny Complex, and fighting off the current[...]