However, in an intriguing new deal that Soaring Penguin Press has inked with InkyPen, both of which are actual names of actual companies, comics will come to the small screen in a new way altogether… through the Nintendo Switch.
InkyPen and Soaring Penguin Press's logos.
Soaring Penguin Press, the publisher of graphic novels such as Emma Vieceli[...]
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If you already have it on a mobile device, you can sync your account on the Switch and be able to read what you've already downloaded, as well as read comics in offline mode if they're downloaded to your device.
As we mentioned, this will be the second comic book app for the Nintendo Switch, as[...]
A new digital comics subscription service called InkyPen is launching on the Nintendo Switch in November, bringing digital comics to the handheld video game console for the first time Amongst the publishers whose comics will be available on the app, according to a press release, are IDW, Dynamite, Valiant, Andrews McMeel, and Humanoids, amongst others[...]