During yesterday's Next Big Thing Panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel announced a new ComiXology/Kindle exclusive digital series, The Immortal Iron Fists, the once-thought-abandoned series by Kaare Andrews and Afu Chan The comic is a $2.99 six issue series that's also available as part of ComiXology's all-you-can-read unlimited digital streaming service.
And Marvel will be announcing more[...]
iron fists Archives
Marvel has finally let us know what the heck is up with that Iron Fists comic they teased a full year ago, which is like 47 years in comic book reboot years Bleeding Cool had the scoop back then, on an Iron Fist series where Iron Fist has a 6-year-old young teen girl as a partner,[...]
Pip pip.
But what about another Iron Fist series you heard about first at Bleeding Cool? Pip pip? Specifically, an Iron Fists series from Kaare Andrews and Afu Chan, starring a six-year-old East Asian girl with a dragon as Danny Rand's partner?
Kaare Andrews has the answer on Twitter:
And again…
And again…
And again and again and again…
And a[...]