jurassic world 4 Archives

Scarlett Johansson Opens Up On Rub and Tug Backlash
Scarlett Johansson was one of the first big names attached to the new Jurassic World, which does not have a title but is reportedly being labeled as Jurassic World 4 or Jurassic City. Johansson is coming off a very long run of franchise films with Marvel, and one would think signing onto another major franchise would be the[...]
The New Jurassic World Film Is Still Looking For A Director
The film is described as "a completely fresh take launching a new Jurassic era, following three adults and three teens getting stuck on the Island." The new film has also been labeled "Jurassic World 4" and "Jurassic City." Credit: Universal Pictures There Are A Billion Reasons Another Jurassic World Isn't A Surprise It feels like it happened half a[...]
Jurassic World Dominion: 19 High-Quality Images
All Rights Reserved. Original Jurassic World 4 Director Discusses His Departure from the Project During an appearance on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, director David Leitch acknowledged the choice to exit the big-budget project, explaining, "It was a really great conversation to have, to be in talks with Steven and Frank, about that franchise that is so[...]