Liberty Comics Archives

Liberty Comics #14 (Green Publishing Co., 1946)
The title Liberty Comics from Green Publishing Company is an uncommon series with unusual origins.  The first three issues of the series (numbering #10-15 but skipping #13) are composed largely of reprints of MLJ/Archie material, while issue #14 contains material meant for the Rural Home Publications title Red Circle Comics.  None of the Liberty Comics[...]
Liberty Comics #12 (Green Publishing Co., 1946)
I've been collecting and reading Golden Age comics for a long time now, and I've read the vast majority of the vintage material that I write about here.  But not Liberty Comics #12.  I don't own a copy, this particular issue of the Liberty Comics series is not on ComicBookPlus as one might expect, nor[...]
Liberty Comics #12 (Green Publishing Co., 1946)
I'll start this one off with a little inside baseball: I've been collecting and reading Golden Age comics for a long time now, and I've read the vast majority of the vintage material that I write about here.  But not Liberty Comics #12.  I don't own a copy, this particular issue of the Liberty Comics[...]