Lying In The Gutters Archives

En El Desagüe – 10 De Enero 2011
In honour of the huge amount of Spanish readers Bleeding Cool received this week, we decided to release the entire Lying In The Gutters (apart from this bit, and the cartoon) in Spanish And not just through Google Translate either… thanks to David Aja, Ernesto Priego and Ignacio Alcuri. Los diez posteos de la semana 1[...]
Lying In The Gutters – 25th October 2010
Be kind to them. For those intrigued by the site but unwilling to spend every moment pressing F5, subscribing to our Lying In The Gutters weekly e-mail gives you an instant access push to the most popular and/or intriguing articles of the week. Now, there's a lot of chatter about this week's interview with Eric Stephenson, publisher[...]
Lying In The Gutters – March 15th 2010
Welcome to another week of Lying In The Gutters Let's kick off, shall we? Top Ten Posts Of The Week There was one big story this week The same one that started last week It dominated Bleeding Cool, was picked up by mainstream press and the implication will be felt today and tomorrow as publisher after publisher[...]
Lying In The Gutters – 1st March 2010
Trying something different with Lying In the Gutters Mostly cos I was so busy with stories, I missed doing last week's column So this week I'm listing a Top Twenty of the most read stories over the last two weeks I'll try and do a Top Ten every week If this goes down well… 1[...]
Swipe File: Lemar, Vantage Point And Victor Santos
Back in the Lying In The Gutters days, I ran this swipe file, between the movie poster for Vantage Point, and a splash from Pulp Heroes by Victor Santos Could there be any relation to a scene in Lemar's new video for the song The Way Love Goes? In Swipe File we present two or more images[...]
Lying In The Gutters – 18th January 2010
While Marvel gave us Liefeld drawing Deadpool and a woman writing stories about women. There was plenty of marvellous Mark Millar media manipulation over Sam Raimi, Martin Scorsese and the Kick Ass controversy, some Bad Byrne Panels, a smidgen of Hellboy gambling, and the first turn of the wheel of a round table with many providers[...]
Lying In The Gutters – 11th January
Well that's what I thought when I first found out the news. A few hours before DC announced it.I was all ready to ask DC Comics about it when they got in
Lying In The Gutters, January 4th
So what have I been up to this week, as we swing round from two-thousnad-and-nine to twenty-ten? I had a look at Neil Gaiman's Statuesque short film, the
Uncovering Another Victim Of Josh Hoopes
Indian artist Lalit Kumar Sharma. In March 2008, when I was writing for Lying In The Gutters, I printed these pages supposedly drawn for Ibrahim Amin by Hoopes before Hoopes disappeared Ibrahim paid Josh for those pages then heard nothing Well, the identity of the artist has been discovered, and it is unlikely that Lalit was[...]
The Tenth Annual Rumour Awards – THE DECADE SPECIAL AWARDS
A little report from a Lying In The Gutters back in May 2003 that not only were  comic books being scanned and uploaded by a team calling themselves comic book archivists that had 90% of all Marvel and DC comics books published to that date, but were updating with every published book by these companies[...]
The Tenth Annual Rumour Awards – SCOOP OF THE YEAR
SCOOP OF THE YEAR So what were the best Bleeding Cool/Lying In The Gutters scoops of the year? There were a lot to choose from The industry announcements such as Boom getting the Disney licences from Gemstone That stuff was happening with Marvelman before Marvel's actual announcement, and details of a competitive other bid[...]
San Diego Dreaming: How Much????
This seems to be the new way to make a little money. Buy a four day pass to SanDiego for under $100. Sit on it for a month. Then, after it's been sold
Happy Birthday Joss Whedon!
Neill Cameron is a rather talented cartoonist of my acquaintance. Once we were going to work on a graphic novel called Political Creatures, the proofs of