Mario Kart Archives

Watch A Brilliant Mario Kart And Mad Max Mash Up
So we've all been out enjoying Mad Max: Fury Road right? It's great, no? If you still haven't seen it you should rectify that as soon as possible. The vehicular warfare is a key part of that world, but what happens if you mix it with another unfair, brutal vehicular combat property? Say something…like Nintendo's Mario[...]
Mario Kart 8 DLC Tracks Revealed And Baby Park Is Among Them
Baby Park is one of the greatest tracks ever created in Mario Kart That might sound odd considering the Mario Kart: Double Dash classic is just an oval shape and a lap takes around 20 seconds to complete, but there is a drifting skill to it that makes it really fun to play against friends. That's[...]
Here Is Another Mario Kart 8 200cc Comparion Showing Off The High Speeds
Last week, I shared a video showing off the breakneck speeds of Mario Kart 8's 200cc races The new mode is part of a free update that will be with us on April 23rd. If that first video didn't give you a good enough idea of the speeds that 200cc gets to, this one almost certainly will[...]
So How Fast Is Mario Kart 8 200CC Compared To 150CC?
We recently learnt that Mario Kart 8 was getting a free update that would include a 200CC mode on April 23rd This will be the fastest mode the series has ever implemented, which will no doubt make it the hardest mode in the game. The problem is we don't really have a frame of reference for just[...]
Mario Kart 8 Getting Animal Crossing DLC And 200CC Mode
Mario Kart 8 was one of my top picks for Game of the Year last December, so obviously I'm pretty excited about any new content for the game. Last night during the Nintendo Direct a ton of that came our way too The first was the announcement of the new DLC for the game Much like[...]
Nintendo Of America Are Rooting For Marshawn Lynch In Today's SuperBowl
Most major corporations stay neutral in such matters, but then again, Nintendo aren't most corporations. Riffing on Marshawn Lynch's confessed love for playing as Toad in Mario Kart on Conan, the company's American division sent this tweet to the player with a GIF of Toad hitting a Mii Karter with a red shell. Thanks to GameSpot for[...]
Amiibo, Amiib-No Nintendo
By Jared Cornelius If you've been paying any attention to Nintendo over the last year you've no doubt heard about Amiibos.  The small plastic figures are riding high off the "Toys-To-Life" craze, created thanks in part to companies like Activision and Disney flooding the gaming aisle with child friendly monsters and recognizable superheroes.  If you're unaware, Amiibos, are Nintendo themed inaction figures more akin to vinyl toys than anything[...]