From KaBOOM!, and Cartoon Network Enterprises, the creative team of Megan Brennan (Peanuts: A Tribute to Charles M Schulz) and Katy Farina (Adventure Time) dive into the mixed-media world of The Amazing World of Gumball for this full-length story starring Gumball, Darwin, and Anais, with a back-up story by Jeremy Lawson (Prez) The graphic novel[...]
Megan Brennan Archives
Check out the list of creators: Mike Allred, Art Baltazar, Paige Braddock, Megan Brennan, Frank Cammuso, Derek Charm, Colleen Coover, Evan Dorkin, Chynna Clugston Flores, Julie Fujii, Shaenon K Garrity, Melanie Gillman, Zac Gorman, Jimmy Gownley, Matt Groening, Dan Hipp, Keith Knight, Mike Kunkel, Roger Langridge, Jeff Lemire, Jonathan Lemon, Patrick McDonnell, Tony Millionaire, Caleb[...]