Miriam Margoyles Archives

Rich Johnston's Fourteen Thoughts About Doctor Who: Star Beast
Miriam Margoyles, who voiced Beep The Meep, had her own epiphany about pronoun use recently On The Graham Norton Show, her natural habitat, she told Graham "I was very keen on grammar So when people started talking about 'them' instead of 'he/she' I thought, 'What the f-ck? It's clear, it's grammar, it's the structure of[...]
doctor who
The legendary Miriam Margoyles is having a ball voicing Beep the Meep, who is used gleefully and shamelessly as a foil in the story. There's a relentless pace as if Davies knows how much is riding on this: not only to renew interest in Doctor Who but also to sell it as a global pop culture[...]