MPLS Sound Archives

Little Red CRVT: Thoughts On MPLS Sound
Conflict Of Interest Siren: Hannibal Tabu, a Bleeding Cool writer, co-wrote MPLS Sound I interacted with him a couple of times on Slack To the best of my knowledge, that's the extent of our interactions We have different tastes, as evidenced by our wildly different takes on Commanders In Crisis It's impossible to remove bias,[...]
MPLS Sound, A Graphic Novel On Prince's Impact On Minneapolis Music
Sorry, I mean, together they are writing MPLS Sound, an original graphic novel about Prince and his musical legacy, drawn by Meredith Laxton And focusing on a Minneapolis band that did not exist, Starchild, MPLS Sound When Prince burst onto the pop scene in 1978, he put Minneapolis on the music map Many up-and-coming bands followed the[...]