nigel farage Archives

Five Days To The British General Election- The Time I Met Nigel Farage
Oh and Nigel Farage is in that pub I should have left earlier, even anywhere was Covid Ground Zero it was probably there But I take the opportunity to chat with him He was familiar with my cartoons, said I should draw him uglier (something I have attended to since) and then proceeded to tell[...]
Seven Days To The British General Election
He legalised gay marriage, got a second term in 2015 in which he didn't need those pesky Liberal Democrats anymore, but instead chose to do a deal with UKIP, the party led by Nigel Farage, against membership of the European Union and plenty of other populist, reactionary measures, often from both sides of the political[...]
Hellblazer and Si Spurrier On Quoting Boris Johnson
And it also features in passing, The Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, better known as Boris. Both in person and be allusion. Si Spurrier On Quoting Prime Minister Boris Johnson In John Constantine: Hellblazer #11 It sees a fear mongering populist racist politician, Clem Thurso, possessed by an ancient demon[...]
Alan Moore Vs. Nigel Farage
On Friday, Alan Moore made an appearance on Channel 4 News in the UK to promote the collection of short films made with Mitch Jenkins, called Show Pieces, as it begins to tour the film circuit beginning with this weekend's FrightFest in London. Also booked on Channel 4 that night with Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP,[...]
Mark Millar, MBE, Political Animal At Large
And has been getting reaction. Bacause as well as supporting the pro-Scottish independence-pro-European Union SNP, he also has expressed support for anti-European Union-anti-Scottish independence Nigel Farage and the United Kingdom Independence Party, who don't get quite as strong a support in Scotland and some might see are at odds with the SNP – even the pro-unionists[...]