Such as Rob's Nightmare Before Christmas prints he's signing on eBay…
The Return Of Rob Granito
So, what is Rob Granito up to? The art swiper and biographer bloater came to fame after a number of Bleeding Cool articles saw him confronted at conventions and eventually hounded off the internet.
Mid-Ohio Con vs Wizard World: Mid-Ohio Ohio: Who[...]
nightmare before christmas Archives
Greg Horn is a Marvel comics artist, best known for his painted work.
But did you also know he's a Christmas tree designer? Here's his work from his family home this year, thanks to a few Marvel-royalty-funded Nightmare Before Christmas toys, a refreshing lack of concern over any "collectibility" and a certain amount of time…
I did, and asked for a Jack Skellington for Eve – Nightmare Before Christmas being one of her favourite films And boy did she deliver.
And while Jody makes these individually and doesn't sell them, she's decided to start auctuioning them, one a month, for charity More news as we have it.
Or should that[...]