OcuLenz Archives

Ocutrx Unveils OcuLenz AR/XR Headset For Visually Impaired Patients
Ocutrx has announced they will be bringing their AR/XR headset, the OcuLenz, to CES 2024 for everyone to check out The company actually revealed the headset back in November, showing it off not just for its gaming capabilities but also for the fact it could help those with impaired vision Now, you'll be able to[...]
Ocutrx Unveils OcuLenz AR/XR Headset For Visually Impaired Patients
Ocutrx revealed a brand new product this week utilizing Augmented Reality and Extended Reality technology, as they unveiled the OcuLenz headset This has specifically been designed to help out people with specific vision impairments, as they have utilized 3D technology for medical and surgical applications The headset enhances a person's vision by overlaying high-contrast, pixel-manipulated[...]