The unification and support of the Pauper format
This is something that The Professor also knows far more about that I do, but from what I can glean from the video above, last year Pauper was not a sanctioned format and had many scattered ban lists – and now all of that is different, thanks to[...]
Pauper Archives
We will see if that holds true for this time around as well.
Wizards of the Coast has gone on the record as saying that the fifth Mythic Championship tournament was in no way a factor in determining the Field of the Dead banning.
Source: Wizards of the Coast
But that's not all! In Pauper, Arcum's Astrolabe has[...]
Some people say it's Golos himself, and others are even positing that Teferi, Time Raveler or Oko, Thief of Crowns are getting the boot due to their oppressively-strong impact on the board.
Source: Wizards of the Coast
Interestingly enough, some players are taking this a step further and insinuating this will host a ban in Modern, Vintage,[...]