Kaluta have brought their long running series Starstruck to Kickstarter. They want to fund a 176 page graphic novel that showcases one of the lesser known Starstruck characters, Harry Palmer. They have fully funded the black and white edition, but are going to needs some help to print the book in full color. With only 3 days to[...]
starstruck Archives
Kaluta and I, just week before last, received a letter from a Marvel/Disney attorney, challenging our rights to Starstruck, a project that was briefly with Marvel/Epic, supposedly their creator-owned imprint, almost three decades ago.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Marvel Sends Mike Kaluta And Elaine Lee Cease And Desist Over Creator Owned Comic (UPDATE)
Elaine Lee wrote, this morning:[...]
Steve Bissette posted on Facebook, about a certain book called Starstruck…
Look, I TOLD everyone once the Marvel vs Friedrich judgment was cast, we'd be seeing Marvel/Disney going after every creator that emerged in their legal department bullseye Case in point: Marvel/Disney issued a CEASE & DESIST letter against ELAINE LEE & MIKE KALUTA for their[...]
Due to be published at the end of the year, Starstruck by Tony Bedard and Claude St Aubin is still available to order from Amazon But sadly, it won't be in your Christmas stocking, DC have cancelled it.
However all is not lost After all, DC is most definitely still publishing Hitman Vol 5, Tommy's Heroes,[...]