steven moffat Archives

Douglas is Cancelled: Britbox Drops Trailer of Steven Moffat Series
Not that anyone was asking him for one, but Douglas is Cancelled is Steven Moffat's take on Cancel Culture and #MeToo that he insists only coincidentally contains parallels with real-life events that were going on in the British media industry when the miniseries first premiered on ITV in the UK last year[...]
Doctor Who was Always Moffat’s Riff on The Time Traveler’s Wife
Former Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat seems to be living his best life now that he's no longer in charge of the show and doesn't seem to have any further involvement in the current series unless he's invited to write another episode That makes him the best ambassador for the show because he's happy to[...]
Doctor Who: Empire of Death: A Deep Dive into the Story Tropes
Davies and Steven Moffat have said as much It felt more so when a new Doctor entered with a new showrunner as with the two Doctors Moffat created, then Chris Chibnall's era with Jodie Whittaker felt like a different show with a difference in tone Come to think of it, each of Peter Capaldi's seasons[...]
Doctor Who
Former Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat is having his best life right now. He was invited by current and returning showrunner Russell T Davies to contribute to the new Disney+ era season of the series, and his two episodes, "Boom!" in season one and the 2024 Christmas special "Joy to the World," are two of the most[...]
Doctor Who
"All great things in Doctor Who are the result of a budget cut," said former showrunner Steven Moffat at a Radio Times event He was commenting on the recent Christmas special that he wrote, "Joy to the World," and how the character Anita came about. Image: BBC/Disney+ "The spaceship looks like a phone box[...]
Doctor Who: A Tale of Two Era and How the Storytelling Has Changed
Steven Moffat is in lockstep with showrunner Russell T Davies' vision for how 21st-century TV is written, which is a plot that has a greater emphasis on the characters and their emotions There is virtually no filler in the story because the structure is cut to the bone to fill an hour-long slot, so the[...]
Doctor Who: A Look Back at Peter Capaldi's Underrated Run
His was also the most experimental era during Steven Moffat's final three years as showrunner. BBC Steven Moffat's Last Stab at a "Classic" Doctor Who Out of all the actors to play the Doctor, Capaldi was the biggest uberfan of the show, more than David Tennant, who was already a massive geek all his life[...]
Doctor Who
Is Steven Moffat done with Doctor Who after this year's Christmas special, "Joy to the World"? We don't know, and neither does he It depends on how busy he is and whether he gets invited to write for the series again One thing he doesn't run out of is ideas, and there's one he's become[...]
Doctor Who: Steven Moffat on Villengard Become a Series Big Bad
There are many big bads in Doctor Who: the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Sontarans, even the Time Lords themselves, and many more, but one that has lurked in the background for twenty years has been the intergalactic arms manufacturer and tech corporation Villengard, created by Steven Moffat back in his 2005 two-parter "The Empty Child"[...]
Doctor Who: Empire of Death: A Deep Dive into the Story Tropes
In "Empire of Death," he saves the universe by finally coming up with a clever plan, but that's by reluctantly killing Sutekh, the God of Death. The Doctor of Loss Is failing to save people a feature in the Fifteenth Doctor and not a bug? Is the ongoing theme of the character to witness loss all the[...]
Doctor Who: "Joy to the World" Was Moffat's Meditation on Loneliness
"Joy to the World" is everything you can expect from a Steven Moffat Doctor Who Christmas Special It's clever, twisty, silly, funny, and tragic in equal measure, but at heart, it's Moffat's poignant meditation on loneliness and finding a purpose to get out of that Loneliness is an issue for many people at Christmas In[...]
Doctor Who: One-Time Only Companions are Totally Christmas
Davies and Steven Moffat, have spoken! Let's pretend Chris Chibnall putting them on ice in favour of New Year Specials was just a hallucination Or a dream Or a temporary fall into an alternate universe Or temporary collective brain damage And what comes with Christmas specials? New companions who only show up once in the[...]
Doctor Who
Davies' Ncuti Gatwa (Fifteenth Doctor) and Nicola Coughlan-starring, Steven Moffat-written Doctor Who Christmas Special, "Joy to the World" hits our screens on Christmas Day, Moffat is opening up about the upcoming Christmas Special, his run on the show and if he would consider returning, and much more In particular, Moffat addresses the rumblings of concern[...]
Doctor Who
In the UK, the 18-30 viewership has shifted to streaming over live broadcast, with many viewers preferring to binge whole seasons of a show rather than watch a new episode each week.  Steven Moffat was the Doctor Who showrunner for seven years, the longest-serving producer on the show, and saw the modern series during its[...]
Doctor Who: Joy to the World: Moffat Promises New Side of the Doctor
Former Doctor Who showrunner and now itinerant freelancer Steven Moffat has been promoting his upcoming Christmas Special, "Joy to the World." He gave a very long interview to SFX Magazine, in which he offered some insights about the special and his process for writing the Doctor, this time played by Ncuti Gatwa. "Doctor Who: Joy to[...]
Doctor Who
Davies' Ncuti Gatwa (Fifteenth Doctor) and Nicola Coughlan-starring Doctor Who Christmas Special, "Joy to the World" ("Joy to the Worlds"?) hits our screens, writer and ex-showrunner Steven Moffat seems to want to ease some fans' concerns Those concerns? That the Doctor's holiday adventure could end up putting a lot of heartbreak and pain in our[...]
Doctor Who
Even though we've been down this road before – most recently with the Nicola Coughlan-starring Christmas Special "Joy to the World" ("Joy to the Worlds"?) – writer and ex-showrunner Steven Moffat made it very clear After the upcoming holiday epic adventure for Showrunner Russell T Davies' Ncuti Gatwa (Fifteenth Doctor) and Millie Gibson (Ruby Sunday)-starring[...]
Auto Draft
It's written by – who else? – former showrunner Steven Moffat, who was invited to write an episode by his old mate and returning showrunner Russell T Davies Moffat was playing with one of those screenwriting thought experiments: how might a hero save the day if they're stuck in one spot and can't move throughout[...]
Doctor Who Christmas Special "Joy to the World"
This Friday's Children in Need charity event continued the tradition of having a Doctor Who event, this time previewing this year's upcoming Christmas Special, "Joy to the World." The script is by former showrunner Steven Moffat, his fiftieth script for Doctor Who, which might be the biggest number of scripts a single writer has contributed[...]
Doctor Who
Former Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat is one of the best ambassadors for the series even when he's no longer showrunner or writing for the series. Well, he does have "Joy to the World," this year's upcoming Christmas Special guest-starring Bridgerton (and Big Mood) star Nicola Coughlan as the Joy of the title since Moffat just loves puns with characters'[...]
Doctor Who
Steven Moffat might be the ultimate showrunner of Doctor Who next to Russell T Davies, having been in charge of the show for seven whole series, longer than any showrunner or producer in the show's history Moffat has written a total of fifty episodes for the series, with the upcoming Christmas Special "Joy to the[...]
Doctor Who
Former Doctor Who Steven Moffat is, like his friend, colleague, and fellow showrunner Russell T Davies, an uberfan who ended up running the show He was also the series' long-running showrunner having spent seven years on it, during which time he also co-created and ran Sherlock with Mark Gatiss By this Christmas, he will have written more episodes of[...]
Doctor Who
Steven Moffat was the longest-serving showrunner for Doctor Who, having served for seven seasons He created many classic monsters and moments in the series since Russell T Davies' revival of the series in 2005, but he seemed to arouse as much controversy as praise just because he was there for so long. Image: BBC Screencap Steven Moffat[...]
Jodie Whittaker & David Tennant: Doctors Stick Together
Broadchurch was created by Chris Chibnall, and its success as the top-rated drama series during its three seasons made Chibnall a hot showrunner who ended up getting the job when Steven Moffat left Chibnall ended up casting her during his tenure as Showrunner Then, when she left the role with Chibnall, and Davies returned as[...]
Douglas is Cancelled: Has Steven Moffat's Series Been Buried?
There's a bit of a mystery surrounding Sherlock co-creator and former Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat's latest miniseries Douglas is Cancelled A dark comedy-drama examining cancel culture, public shaming and #MeToo, it starred a cast of British A-listers such as Hugh Bonneville, Karen Gillen, Alex Kingston, Nick Mohammed (whose career is shooting up with a[...]
Doctor Who
Doctor Who writer Steven Moffat on fans seeing him as "Omni-Bigot" topped traffic on Bleeding Cool yesterday Welcome to Lying In The Gutters, the daily runaround for the biggest stories the day before – as well as over the past six years Founded fifteen years ago, and steeped in a history of comic book industry[...]
Doctor Who
  With Nicola Coughlan (Derry Girls, Bridgerton)-starring, Steven Moffat-written, and Alex Pillai-directed Christmas Special "Joy to the World" serving as this year's Christmas Special for Showrunner Russell T Davies' Ncuti Gatwa (Fifteenth Doctor) and Millie Gibson (Ruby Sunday)-starring Doctor Who, we get to gave Moffat back in the middle of "The WHO-niverse" for a little while longer[...]
Doctor Who: The Deep Influence of the 90s Virgin Novels on the Series
They included Paul Cornell, Mark Gatiss, and future showrunners Davies and Steven Moffat Davies' first and only novel was a Virgin "The New Adventures" novel, "Damaged Goods," which takes place in a South London estate and features a family named the Tylers It contained a darker, adult tone but also the early version of many[...]