Strong Female Protagonist Archives

SPX Debuts – A Mysterious Cult And A Greek Myth Come To Life In Bacchanalia
SVA graduate Molly Ostertag, the artist on the successfully Kickstarted print version of the webcomic Strong Female Protagonist, now picked up by Top Shelf, produced a striking new comic as part of her senior thesis at SVA: Bacchanalia I had the good fortune to look at some of the original pages at an SVA open[...]
School of Visual Arts Seniors Graduate Today – Preview The Comics Of Tomorrow!
She's already made a name for herself in self-publication by developing the longrunning webcomic series Strong Female Protagonist with writer Brennan Lee Mulligan, which features a female superhero facing many a daily kerfuffle peppered with slice of life struggles She's also completed a senior projects entitled Bacchanalia, which rejuvenates the Greek myth of Bacchus in[...]