Before he became one of the super producers with Arrow and The Flash television series… Marc Guggenheim teamed with Vince Gozalez and artist Mel Rubi to put out Super Zombies from Dynamite Entertainment Here is the first issue for you to read in all of it's glory.
It along with a whole slew of digital comics[...]
super zombies Archives
As Season 3 of The Walking Dead gets ready to roll in the US, viewers who use DISH satellite receivers will most likely miss out as the cable provider has
Dynamite Comics? This is '3' from BBC TV series Numberjacks.
And this is '5'.
Notice how they are very different indeed? Then notice that on Super Zombies #5 out today, one of the covers reads #3 instead The Fabia Neves cover on the right there.
Terribly confusing for retailers, customers,distributors and probably the publisher as well[...]