Tata Rambo, the story of Barajas's great-grandfather, World War 2 veteran Ramon Jaurigue, nicknamed Tata Rambo, and his struggles to manage his own family life while at the same time fighting for equal rights alongside the Pascua Yaqui tribe in Tuscon, Arizona and founding the the Mexican, American, Yaqui, and Others (M.A.Y.O.) organization[...]
tata rambo Archives
Tata Rambo, telling the story of Ramon Jaurigue, nicknamed Tata Rambo, a World War 2 veteran who successfully fought for equal rights and opportunities for the Pascua Yaqui tribe in Tuscon, Arizona, founding the Mexican, American, Yaqui, and Others (M.A.Y.O.) organization while struggling with his own family life The comic is written (and lettered) by Jaurigue's great-grandson, Henry Barajas,[...]