A Piggy's Tale, created and co-written by Tod Emko and illustrated/co-written by Ethan Young The story takes us through the adventures of Piggy, the three-legged super-pup, who makes the world a better place one rescue at a time The best part is Piggy is based on his real-life counterpart (Piggy) whom I luckily got to[...]
Tod Emko Archives
Bleeding Cool welcomes back We Be Geeks, hosting a variety of guests and covering a wide range of geek topics.
This week on We Be Geeks, the team is joined by Tod Emko, Ethan Young, and Tod's wife Sara We talk about Tod and Ethan's 4 issue mini-series A Piggy's Tale, written by Tod and illustrated[...]
They put on their best face and get set to reach out to the public–particularly if it's a kid and animal friendly labor of love like the successfully Kickstartered series A Piggy's Tale, by Tod Emko and Ethan Young Emko and Young had even produced special variants for C2E2 ahead of the show featuring their[...]
We were then joined by special guests, Tod Emko and Ethan Young from A Piggy's Tale We talked about the new ventures they have planned as well as how amazing A Piggy's Tale has been From Kickstarter, to second printings, this comic has been on fire We were also excited to get a preview of[...]
I don't want to give too much away, but you may want your tissues at the end of this issue.
Tod Emko and Ethan Young have really brought so much hope, loyalty and Superhero-ness into this comic All over the world people are getting copies of A Piggy's Tale and actually meeting Piggy in real life[...]
Huntington has a secret weapon! I won't ruin it for you, but it is pretty epic!
Tod Emko and Ethan Young have come up with a unique all-ages story, and it definitely shows on the pages of A Piggy's Tale Emko has taken his real life Superhero dog Piggy and created a comic based on his[...]
By Panel to Panel
Bleeding Cool welcomes back the Panel 2 Panel podcast team, joined by Tod Emko and Ethan Young of the all-ages animal-rescue superhero comic (that's right), A Piggy's Tale
They say:
This week Tod Emko returns to Panel 2 Panel to talk more about his book A Piggy's Tale that has recently hit stores[...]