UNIT Archives

Doctor Who: UNIT is the Series’ Endless Supply of Redshirts
Doctor Who is back, and with it comes furious fan speculation and desire for a UNIT spinoff Their appearance in the new season, starting with the 60th Anniversary Specials and the finale, feels like a backdoor pilot for a spinoff This always felt a bit odd as UNIT (Unified Intelligence Task Force after the United[...]
Doctor Who: Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and UNIT Still Have the Same Flaws
It's interesting that UNIT, the top secret paramilitary organization that fights alien menaces in Doctor Who always had fans I guess a lot of fans always liked to play soldiers shooting guns and stuff The thing about UNIT is that shooting at aliens or alien objects on Doctor Who never worked; it always made things[...]
Doctor Who: Video Compilation of Kate Stuart Neglects its Subject
Now, we're learning more about the greater "WHO-niverse" that Davies has envisioned since his first run on the long-running series (a much more realistic possibility with the recent injection of Disney money into the production). Jemma Redgrave as Kate Lethbridge-Stewart in "Doctor Who", BBC According to a report posted by Deadline Hollywood earlier today, BBC sources confirmed[...]
Doctor Who: Video Compilation of Kate Stuart Neglects its Subject
Doctor Who: Flux has its finale this weekend, and with it comes the return of fan-favourite secret military organization UNIT and its current leader Kate Stewart, played by Gemma Redgrave) Naturally, the BBC would release a compilation video of Kate Stuart's scenes from the show And once again, the video ends up neglecting its subject. Jemma[...]
Doctor Who cover from Big Finish
This includes UNIT, Torchwood, The Gallifrey Chronicles, The Diary of River Song, and more spinoffs involving past Doctors and their companions. The stream will feature David Tennant, Billie Piper, Alex Kingston, John Barrowman, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Bradley, Sophie Aldred, Katy Manning, Nicola Walker, Sir Derek Jacobi and many[...]