Bechko to talk about the battle between horror icons Vampirella and the Aliens Xenomorphs Cover art by Gabriel Hardman.
BYRON BREWER: Corinna, we are at the penultimate issue for this wonderful miniseries Looking back, what innovations in storytelling did you make here that worked out and what would you undo about this mashup if you could?
vampirella Archives
Writer Joseph Michael Linsner discusses Dynamite's series Dawn/Vampirella #5 with Byron Brewer.
BYRON BREWER: Joe, your team-up of two classic femme fatales comes to a conclusion this week with issue #5 What was the most challenging thing in bringing these two great franchises, Vampirella and your own creation Dawn, together?
JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER: Working with these two[...]
Collins run on Vampirella to go along with the big Vampirella sale over at Comixology right now Collins run with artist Patrick Berkenkotter recently ended with a newly designed heroine coming soon… but here we get the classic costume on the iconic horror vampire.
Dynamite has sent over the first issue of Nancy A[...]
We have four exclusive extended previews for Dynamite comics shipping this week including Dawn / Vampirella, The Spirit and Voltron.
Dawn / Vampirella #5
Joseph Michael Linsner (w/a/c)
After being forced to entertain the demon Masodik with wild stories under the threat of death, Vampirella has had more than she can stand She begins to suspect that her[...]
These include the final issue of Alice Cooper Vs Chaos!, the fifth issue of Aliens / Vampirella and the fourth issue of Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Storm Surge.
Cover: Joyce Chin Writer: Tim Seeley, Jim Terry Art: Jim Terry
Alice Cooper discovers just how chaotic the Chaos! Universe can truly be, as[...]
The image is of Dynamite's Vampirella by artist Fabian 'Monk' Schlaga The Bloodletting premium art print is 18×24" can be purchased framed or unframed This is the second Vampirella art print from Sideshow and the first one sold out quickly.
For more information, click here.
Sideshow Collectibles has a new art print available for[...]
The final issue of Vampirella/Army of Darkness hits stores this week and we have a look at the art by Jett Morales with colors by Morgan Hickman The issue is based on a script by Mark Rahner.
The splatterific climax! After Vampi's witch trial, she and Ash race to face an abbey swarming with possessed monks[...]
Mark Waid, writer of Justice Inc.: The Avenger #5, talks with writer Corinna Bechko about Aliens/Vampirella #2, both on sale now Cover by Gabriel Hardman.
MARK WAID: Sweet assignment. How did you land it?
CORINNA BECHKO: When my editor Joseph Rybandt told me about the crossover, I loved the concept I sent in three different ideas of how[...]
The branded units will be available across various apps and marketplaces, including BBM and the branded emoji keyboards which are compatible with popular messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, Viber, Line and WhatsApp, among others, will be available for download on the Apple iTunes and Google Play.
Next up is Vampirella Mankini version or not is[...]
Originally designed by Trina Robbins, Vampirella's iconic look has been responsible for much of her fame – and much mocking along the way.
But in March, publishers Dynamite Entertainment will see her redesigned from the mankini look by Nicola Scott in a new comic series written by Kate Leth which will "see a return to the character's[...]
Marguerite Bennett, writer of Swords of Sorrow: Red Sonja/Jungle Girl #3, talks with writer Nancy Collins about the Vampirella Annual 2015, both on sale now Cover art by Jay Anacleto Interior art by Aneke.
MARGUERITE BENNETT: This was such a FUN comic! Do you have any tips for writers and aspiring writers on balancing humor with horror?
Here we have a look at Aneke's process art from Vampirella Annual 2015 It's based on a script from Nancy A Collins and the colors are by Dinei Ribeiro The book is on sale tomorrow.
No longer the Queen of the Nosferatu, Vampirella is free to begin a new chapter in her life-as a field agent for[...]
This week Dynamite is releasing the Vampirella Annual 2015 by Nancy A Collins and Aneke with a cover by Jay Analceto The 48-page special starts a new life for the iconic vampire… with ties to The Kabal.
Vampirella Annual 2015
writer: Nancy A Collins artist: Aneke cover: Jay Anacleto
No longer the Queen of the Nosferatu, Vampirella is free to[...]
Dynamite has a special issue of Vampirella coming up number 1969 in honor of her first appearance and we have some of the interior pages for you to see The issue has a variety of creators including writers: Nancy Collins, Eric Trautmann, Phil Hester, Mark Rahner and David Walker as well as artists: Fritz Casas, Brett Weldele,[...]
The Dynamite mini-series Dawn / Vampirella brings together to iconic female characters and the art of fan favorite Joseph Michael Linsner This is one of those series that when it was announced you wondered how it hadn't happened before.
Linsner's covers are also one of the big selling points and Dynamite is taking full advantage of[...]
One of the latest collaborations between Dynamite and Dark Horse combines to horror icons with Aliens / Vampirella Byron Brewer talked with writer Corinna S Bechko about the series as it moves into the second half of its run.
BYRON BREWER: Corinna, how have your feelings as a writer changed about these characters now that, with[...]
Starting with a retro Vampirella t-shirt and a Will Eisner's The Spirit print by Eric Powell.
Then there are 8 exclusive comics:
Alice Cooper vs Chaos #1 – Alice Cooper "Photo" Edition
Aliens / Vampirella #1 — Javier Garcia-Miranda "Xenomorph Design" Edition
Bob's Burgers (Ongoing) #1 – Mario D'Anna
Bob's Burgers (Ongoing) #1 – Mario D'Anna "Virgin Art" Edition
So once those are gone, the deal is over.
The bundle is set to include:
Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson: Moon Called #1-4
Chastity #1-6
Lady Zorro/Lady Rawhide #1-4
Red Sonja 1973
Vampirella: Prelude To Shadows
So why the limited bundle?
"We are excited to partner with Dynamite to offer this limited edition comics promotion with only 200 bundles made available to buyers," explained[...]
These are lead by Aliens / Vampirella #4, Alice Cooper Vs Chaos! #4 and a new Vampirella Archives.
Cover: Joyce Chin Writer: Tim Seeley, Jim Terry Art: Jim Terry
The Chosen are on the run from a monster tree, Evil Ernie and Purgatori are guinea pigs for a pharmaceutical company, and[...]
Well here is a cool thing… Dynamite Entertainment has sent us a full classic Vampirella story, Slaves Of The Alien Amazon by Bill Dubay and Pablo Marcos to help promote their DRM-Free digital copies of Vampirella Archives they are selling here The archives collect some of the original Vampirella tales that were released in the[...]
The third issue of Dynamite's four-part miniseries Vampirella / Army of Darkness is due out this week and we have a look at some of the process art by Jethro Morales This is based on a script by Mark Rahner.
Ash's pals in 1300 A.D are so happy to meet Vampirella that they introduce her to a friend of[...]
Dynamite and Dark Horse have released the first issue of a new series combining two horror icons… Vampirella and Aliens The series is written by Corinna Bechko, drawn by Javier Garcia-Miranda and has a cover by Gabriel Hardman Here we have the writer's commentary for the first issue by Bechko.
Page 1 – I figured everyone[...]
We've got horror / sci-fi covers with the debut of Aliens / Vampirella #1, comedy with Bob's Burgers #3 and action, adventure and pulpy goodness with Masks 2 #6.
Aliens / Vampirella #1
writer: Corinna Bechko artist: Javier García-Miranda cover: Gabriel Hardman
Humans have begun to colonize Mars, but something ancient and sinister got there first Now Vampirella[...]
The lastest collaboration between Dynamite and Dark Horse comes in the form of iconic horror figures Vampirella and Aliens The new Aliens / Vampirella series is being written by Corinna Bechko and drawn by Javier Garcia-Miranda and we have a few pages of the process art for you to see.
Humans have begun to colonize Mars,[...]
Corinna Bechko talks to Byron Brewer about Dynamite's Aliens/Vampirella #3 Cover by Gabriel Hardman.
BYRON BREWER: What is the greatest challenge in bringing these two popular franchises together, and has that made for a better or more difficult story telling?
CORINNA BECHKO: The biggest challenge is the fact that we're dealing with two types of monster here,[...]
Nancy A Collins talks to Byron Brewer about her upcoming story in Vampirella #1969 Cover art by Robert Hack and Jack Jadson.
BYRON BREWER: Nancy, as a recent reader of Vampirella, I truly think your run on this iconic character will go down in comics history as a classic How does it feel to work on[...]
Vampirella #1969 will feature team-ups of Nancy A Collins and Fritz Casas, Eric Trautmann and Brett Weldele, Phil Hester and Jethro Morales, Mark Rahner and Colton Worley and finally David F Walker and Aneke And it will feature covers by Robert Hack and Jack Jadson.
Several of the Vampirella #1969 contributors have shared their thoughts on[...]
We also have a look at some of the behinds the scenes shots for the shoot where you can see some of the crafting that went into making the costumes and swords.
The photography was done by: Andrew Dobell
Vampirella: Mojo Jones
Dejah Thoris: Tasha MacKenzie
Jungle Girl: Chiquitita
Red Sonja: Lyons
For more on Swords of Sorrow #5, click here.
But there's also Kevin Eastman on Cage Hero, the launch of Aliens/Vampirella and plenty more from Dynamite in November 2015… take a look.
(W) Warren Ellis (A) Jason Masters (CA) Dom Reardon
Beginning "VARGR", the first story in the ongoing James Bond comic series by best-selling writer Warren Ellis![...]
Collins' writer commentary for her final monthly issue of Vampirella for Dynamite Entertainment Art by Patrick Berkenkotter.
While the 2015 Vampirella Annual and a short story in Vampirella: 1969 are still in the pipeline, Vampirella #13's "God Save The Queen" is effectively my last monthly Vampirella story And in case you're wondering, yes, the title was[...]