Browse the list of video game releases this week, purchase wisely, and as always, have fun!
August 15
3D MiniGolf (PS4)
>observer_ (PC, PS4, XB1)
Agents of Mayhem (PC, PS4, XB1)
Cities: Skylines (PS4)
Dark Mystery (PS4)
Defenders of Ekron (PC, PS4)
Eliosi's Hunt (PS4)
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth – Book 1 (PC,PS4, XB1)
Matterfall (PS4)
Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Two: Episode[...]
Zero Time Dilemma Archives
Aksys Games sent out a press release on Friday announcing that the final chapter of the Zero Escape series, titled Zero Time Dilemma, will be released this fall on PS4 in North America In addition to a digital download option, physical copies of the game will be available.
We've included a bit of their press release that[...]