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AEW Dynamite – Has Jon Moxley Met His Match in Eddie Kingston?
AEW Dynamite has already delivered the in-ring debut of Miro and the return of Cody Rhodes, and that was just in part one of this report. Find out what happened on the rest of Dynamite here.
AEW Dynamite Report for September 23rd, 2020 Part 2
Private Party and Matt Hardy come out. Hardy is walking with a limp due to the attack last week. Hardy has a mic. He says someone attacked him from behind last week. He's been replaying the events in his head, trying to figure out who it is. Earlier in the day, he had a confrontation with MJF and one with Brodie Lee about the TNT Championship. And then there's always the Inner Circle. But all Hardy remembers is that whoever did it was wearing a mask, and he was hit with a piece of metal like a pipe or a bat. And moments later, Jake Hager and Chris Jericho arrived on the scene, and Jericho had a bat. So Hardy says Jericho is his prime suspect right now. And speaking of Hager and Jericho, he says Private Party tore the house down with them last week, and the only reason they didn't win was because of the bat. And after the match, Jericho put Isiah Kassidy in the Walls of Jericho after the match. The more things change, the more they stay the same (he has a bit of a George Bush moment with that saying but eventually gets it). He says Jericho wants to be known as the million viewer man and the demo god, but he'll always be known as an asshole.
Chris Jericho comes out with Proud and Powerful and Jake Hager. Where is Sammy? Jericho says there are only four members of the Inner Circle out here tonight because of what Hardy did to Sammy Guevara. No one knows when Sammy is coming back. "But guess what. I lied. He's back right now!" Sammy comes out. Jericho says now that they're full force once again, Hardy should know Jericho better than to think he'd attack Hardy from behind. People tune in to see Jericho because they know what a son of a bitch he is. He'd take Hardy's leg out with a bat face to face. He didn't attack him last week, but he can hit Hardy with the bat right now.
Hardy says he'll fight any of them, any time, any place. Marq Quen talks him out of it. He says Hardy should take time, recover, and get cleared because Quen is cleared. He says he laid Jericho out last week for attacking his bro.
Kassidy takes the mic. He says he appreciates them having his back, but he's got this. Jericho may have beaten him last week, but he almost beat Jericho not once but twice. As of right now, on Matt Hardy's birthday, Kassidy is challenging Jericho to a one on one match next week. He knows Jericho is a legend and the favorite in that match, but what if a young, 23-year-old kid from the streets of Brooklyn beats Chris Jericho? What if next week, right here on Dynamite, "I make Chris Jericho my Le Champion bitch?"
They make faces at each other for a bit, and Dynamite takes a commercial break.
Then Tony Schiavone interviews Tully Blanchard and FTR in the ring. Tully says each week there are thousands of new fans watching Dynamite, and they get to see FTR carrying the gold. Traditionally, a world championship match should be 60 minutes long. Still, Tully has checked it out, and 20 minutes on television is a good time limit for television to give people watching a 20-minute brush with greatness. Tully says they get to pick their opponents, and they've chosen SCU. SCU will get their brush with greatness next week. Tully says they have twenty minutes, and if they don't win, FTR gets a check in the winner's column.
Dax Harwood says people want to know who the next contenders are after SCU. Will it be Best Friends or Young Bucks? FTR says Best Friends had a good match last week in the Dynamite main event, but it was backyard comedy wrestling.
Best Friends come out. Trent says that wasn't a match last week. It was a war. They're a little banged up right now, but they're here, FTR is here with their "little red panties on," so let's do it right now. Harwood agrees. A ref comes out.
They get set up for the match, and then Cash Wheeler grabs a mic. He says they're fighting champions, but it's not fair to Best Friends because they're not at 100%. He tells them to rest up and give Tully a call. Chuck Taylor grabs the mic and says, say what you want about Santana and Ortiz, but at least they didn't run from a fight like weenies. Ooooooooh! Taylor says he'll show them how a real tag team hugs, and they hug.
Ivelisse and Diamante come out, followed by Thunder Rosa and then Hikaru Shida. Rosa's facepaint is in the style of Animal's as a tribute.
Ivelisse and Diamante vs. Thunder Rosa and Hikaru Shida
- I saw a lot of people on Reddit bitching about Ivelisse last week, but I thought her match with Thunder Rosa was great.
- This is a good match too. It's wild how quickly AEW has improved their women's division, which was very neglected just a couple months ago.
- Shida wins this one with a running knee.
Dasha is backstage with Chris Jericho. She asks him about Isiah Kassidy's challenge. Jericho says deep inside he respects Isiah for showing balls and taking matters into his own hands. Someday he'll be a big star, but not next week. Next week he's facing Jericho. The only shot he's gonna feel are coming from the fists of Le Champion. MJF interrupts. He says the fact that that "dribbling little runt" would disrespect Jericho like that is deplorable. Jericho says that means a lot coming from MJF, the rightful world champ. MJF says knowing that means a lot means a lot to him. They call each other great. Then they ask at the same time: "so why'd you call me a loser?" Hey, a wrestler actually watching what happened on an episode of Dynamite they were on? I'm not used to that level of logic in pro wrestling.
MJF says he wasn't calling Chris a loser. He was referring to the limo drivers. Jericho says a drop of his latte got on his leather pants from the limo driver, but Jericho wasn't calling MJF a loser either. He was calling Tony Schiavone a loser. They mock Tony together. Jericho says MJF is alright. MJF says the same. They thank Dasha and leave. Anyway, the point of all that is that Jericho accepts the challenge.
Commentary runs through next week's card and then announces there will be a "30 Years of Jericho" celebration on October 7th. Dynamite takes a commercial break before the main event. Eddie Kingston makes his entrance. Jon Moxley makes his. Since he already came out through the crowd earlier tonight, he comes through the parking lot this time.
Eddie Kingston vs. Jon Moxley – AEW Championship Match
- This wasn't the original Dynamite main event. That was supposed to be the six-man, but Lance Archer tested positive for COVID so he's off the show while he quarantines.
- They're pretty much just kicking the crap out of each other all over the ring here.
- Well, that is until they start kicking the crap out of each other outside the ring, which they do through an entire commercial break.
- The story here is both of these guys started out as hardcore indie wrestlers, but Moxley sold out and went to WWE, and Kingston spent his whole career in indies until he finally got his AEW contract. Ergo, Kingston believes he's the real deal, and Moxley is a poseur. But Moxley is gonna show him he's still a tough son of a bitch. Classic story right here.
- Moxley wins by chokeout.
Lucha Bros run out and attack Moxley after the match. Will Hobbs runs out to make the save… but he's overwhelmed by the numbers. Which, of course, is the perfect opportunity for Darby Allin to come out, hey, what do you know, his music starts playing. Allin clears the ring, but then Ricky Starks runs out and hits Allin. Taz comes out to watch the carnage as the heels beat down Moxley, Hobbs, and Allin. The beatdown continues until the end of Dynamite.
Was Dynamite Any Good?
Well, it was a fun episode of Dynamite tonight as usual. The six-man tag is gonna be great. Chris Jericho was all over this episode, and I gather that taking Private Party to the next level seems to be his next goal for AEW talent elevation. And ooh, Cody is back! It's hard to live up to last week's main event, which was an all-time great sort of match, and thats doubly hard when the big main event you had advertised had to be postponed due to COVID, but everything was enjoyable enough this week. Now I've got to move along to watching and recapping two hours of NXT now.