Posted in: Adult Swim, Preview, streaming, TV, YouTube | Tagged: Adult Swim, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, AquaDonk Side Pieces, athf, episode 3, youtube
AquaDonk Side Pieces E03: Ready to Enroll in MC P Pants University?
Welcome back to Matt Maiellaro & Dave Willis and Adult Swim's AquaDonk Side Pieces as we check out the third episode of the digital series that sees Carl & Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Meatwad, Frylock, and Master Shake) returning to take on a number of very familiar and somewhat villainous faces, including The Mooninites, The Plutonians, MC Pee Pants, The Frat Aliens, Happy Time Harry, Handbanana, and The Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past. So after being confronted by Handbanana and The Broodwrap, what big bad could our heroes(?!) be facing today?
Real quick! Just a reminder that the 10-episode series will be released daily on Adult Swim's YouTube channel at 12 pm. ET / 9 am PT. Or you can just check us out every day when we share each chapter, like today's third episode that sees the return of… MC P Pants! And guess what? Carl's about to enroll in MC P Pants University to learn how to take advantage of the elderly and gain financial independence along the way.
Here's a look back to the epic second episode, as The Broodwrap reveals its ingredients to Carl. Monkey spunk! Demonic puss! No sun-dried tomatoes! And so much more…
And in the first short, Carl begs Frylock for help after Handbanana inserts a tracking chip in his neck. For some reason, we can't get images of The Suicide Squad out of our heads… and a confession? We checked to see if they were selling Carl's necklace (because Handbanana is hysterical). Here's a look:
And in the first official teaser for AquaDonk Side Pieces: Set at the Powerpuff Mall, Carl and Master Shake are security guards who take a break from stealing change from the fountain to check out the Breakie B breakdancing robot. But thanks to Cybernetic Ghost, they're about to learn how Breakie B will bring about the end of the world. If only CG can get through the metal detector…