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Big Brother Season 23 Episode 27 Recap: Careful Alyssa, Tantrum Xavier
We're now up to the twenty-sixth episode of CBS' Big Brother Season 23 and spoilers are plentiful & heading your way…so turn back now if you don't want surprises and instead read my past article on Tiffany's additional turn at HOH power this season on Big Brother. Tiffany's nominations ruffled some feathers, specifically the men of the Cookout alliance, but Xavier's mini-tantrums came through prominently. While an annoying and tricky rogue move previously to win HOH, Tiffany's decisions reflect the Big Brother path for many who have gone on to win.
The fallout from the nomination ceremony was quite swift and not everyone wanted to follow along with the HOH's decisions. Xavier's advice on the Veto competition and who should be playing alongside them reflected who is in Tiffany's corner and who isn't. The lack of awareness from the last two outside of the Cookout alliance, Alyssa and Claire, is quite astounding but then again who knows what that environment can do to one person compared to another. Xavier continued to fume and fidget around the Big Brother house when it came to his opinions on Tiffany and how he sees himself as a "team player" when in reality he's been a fairly silent player compared to others around him. In picking players for the Veto competition, the HOH and two nominees took turns picking from the box who would play, Tiffany pulled "houseguest choice" and chose Hannah, Xavier picked Derek F, and Alyssa picked Azah. A unique visit from ZINGBOT 9000 arrived in the Big Brother backyard to roast the players. The accuracy about Xavier's ego was fantastic while poor Alyssa missed the intelligence joke. A joke on Hannah's relevancy and Derek F's time spent on the toilet came in with precision. And when that robot told Kyland to "shut the f**k up!" I almost lost it entirely.
After the jokes from Big Brother's ZINGBOT 9000, the Veto competition commenced. The houseguests were tasked with seeing who could stack micro-cocktails as fast as they could with the use of a tweezer-like instrument and a prayer that their hands wouldn't shake too much. While many hands continued to tremble and beads of sweat drip, some were doing better than others in stacking their tiny glasses. In the end, Alyssa got to the completed stack faster than others and won the Power of Veto. When Azah said "well, this is Big Brother" as a reaction to the Cookout's predicament, Xavier ignorantly dismissed the truth of the statement. It is a game and in the end, anything can happen to strategy especially as houseguests approach the end. Tiffany's approach to explaining the placement of Claire on the block in Alyssa's spot ran the risk of exposing the Cookout alliance.
While I understand Tiffany wanting to maintain what she has with Claire for her future rapport with the Jury house, understanding that the Cookout alliance has been a smart gameplay should take priority. In the end, if Claire respects good game strategy she would in time look past the lack of transparency from Tiffany. Claire's understanding after Tiffany being honest with her was a brutal but honestly poignant gut punch. In the veto ceremony, Alyssa removed herself from the block and Tiffany replaced her with Claire. Tonight will be very special, with a double eviction at 8 PM EST. on CBS.