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Flash Season 4, Episode 12 Recap: Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash
This article contains spoilers for the Flash season four episode 'Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash'.
I'm fairly sure that the writers of The Flash knew exactly what the complaint about last night episode was going to be, wanted us to think that, and then addressed it at the end of the episode. The episode has two stories going on, as usual. The A story featured a guy with shrinking powers using them to miniaturize a major research facility and drop it into his pocket. Really close to what Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) does in the Ant-Man and the Wasp trailer, except the one Dwarfstar (Derek Mears) shrinks doesn't have wheels and a handle.
Turns out that Dwarfstar, aka Sylvert Rundin, just happens to be the same guy that killed a security guard that Big Sir (Bill Goldberg) went to jail for. And Barry (Grant Gustin) had just found out about it and asked Team Flash to look into it. Doesn't that seem like way too coincidental? Yes, it does, and the writers thank you for noticing. But we'll get back to that.
The team balks on trying to clear Big Sir, before making the connection, because they want to focus on helping Barry. But it's Harry (Tom Cavanagh) who convinces them, and we get the idea that he blames himself for what happened — that he wasn't smart enough to outthink the Thinker. They make the connection when check on Rundin and Joe sees an image of the thief from 15 years prior and he could be mistaken for Big Sir. Rundin escapes using his powers and shrinks Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) in the process. Harry tries to fix them, but makes it much worse. So they go after Rundin again, getting him to hit their shrunken teammates with his blast causing them to return to normal. And then they take down Dwarfstar — but he refuses to confess and clear Big Sir.
Barry, convinced of Big Sir's innocence, speeds the man out of prison and to a monastery that he wanted to visit, basically helping the prisoner escape. This was a big mistake on Barry's part as Warden Wolfe (Richard Brooks) put a hidden camera pointed at Barry's cell and learned he was the Flash. He then drugs Barry and throws him into a meta-proof cell. Wolfe then shows his true alliance by calling Amunet Black (Katee Sackhoff) and tells her he has a meta for sale.
While all this is going on, the B story is that Cecil (Danielle Nicolet) has suddenly gained the ability to read minds due to her pregnancy, even though the baby is not a meta. This leads to some awkward moments for her and Joe, including them going to Dr. Finkel (Donna Pescow). But other than some character/relationship moments, her abilities weren't really used for anything. It seems like an odd thing to introduce just for that, so I'm guessing they'll play a role later on in the season.
Now, back to the writers thing. At the end, the team figures out that Rundin had stolen some dwarf star material and was carrying it when he got on the bus that Barry's return from the speed force hit with Dark Matter — meaning the Dwarfstar is the eighth bus meta. Harry comments on just how coincidental it was that Barry's cellmate just happened to lead them to one of the bus metas… and that it could only be part of the Thinker's plan if he wanted them all in prison. This should help Harry start putting the pieces together… eventually. And hey, at least Big Sir is now out of prison and living in a monastery like he wanted.
And by the looks of the trailer, Cecile's powers make come in handy as Warden Wolfe lies to them about where Barry is when he doesn't come out for a visit. And it looks like Barry is about to do a prison break with the bus metas. At what point will the team do something that the Thinker has not already planned for? Is Cecile the difference maker?