Posted in: Pop Culture, streaming, TV | Tagged: chair, flexispot, Review, standing desk
FlexiSpot C7 Ergo Office Chair Fits Standing Desk Workdays (REVIEW)
FlexiSpot's C7 Ergonomic Office Chair has turned out to be a welcome addition to this standing desk fan's workday - here's how that happened.
Back in August 2023, we had a chance to share our thoughts on FlexiSpot's E7 Pro Series Premium Standing Desk (E7 Pro). That was when I praised the desk for not just making my workdays flow faster but also helping me get better sleep. Now that it's the new year and I've had the desk for a little less than six months, I wanted to pass along an update – especially because it gives me a chance to throw some praise at the Ergonomic Office Chair (C7 ergo chair) that FlexiSpot gave me a chance to check out, too. In the interest of full disclosure? I was a bit skeptical about test-running a new chair when I was living just how much time I was spending standing and walking around. Thankfully, after giving it some time and getting a better sense of how to best integrate it into my workday, my skepticism was proven wrong.
In my review of the standing desk, I mentioned how sitting down to write in a chair that's too comfortable – especially at 5 am – can suck the energy out of me. But as much as my brain may love standing and pacing all day, my body doesn't always agree – it needs to take a break. And that's where the C7 ergo chair fits perfectly into my plan. If you check out the specs on the chair over at the main website (which you can do here), it covers a lot of ground when it comes to just how customizable the chair is – and that's the key for me. Because it allows me to set the chair in a way that allows me to rest while giving my legs a break while not being so comfortable that jumping back to work becomes a Herculean chore. The same applies to when I need to sit & write for long stretches of time – because I don't know about you, but when I'm writing and getting tired, it's nice to be able to give myself more support for my lower back while leaning me a bit more towards the screen than usual. That can buy me at least another solid hour of writing.
In fact, the only downside to the experience was putting it together – definitely not as "A-B-C" instruction-wise as the standing desk was – though I will readily admit that random flashes of ineptitude and impatience on my part probably contributed to the less-than-steeler experience. On the plus side of putting it together? When you're done, you get a much better appreciation of just how much the chair has to offer without needing to eat up a large chunk of your office space.
FlexiSpot's E7 Pro Series Premium Standing Desk (E7 Pro) Update: First up, thanks to everyone who was kind enough to share some pleasant thoughts about my review and personal perspective on it. With that in mind, I wanted to offer another benefit to the desk that I didn't see coming. Yup, it turns out that my dog loves it – apparently, he likes the headroom he gets when it's in a standing position and just how much of a "roof" that the desktop gives him. If I could, I would throw additional bonus points onto my review.