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FTR to Take Time Off as Dax Harwood Reveals Hidden Injury

As Dax Harwood of FTR steps away from the ring to recover from a hidden injury, he gives fans a rare glimpse into the tough world of professional wrestling.

Article Summary

  • Dax Harwood of FTR reveals a serious hidden injury sustained in AEW.
  • Injury occurred during a ladder match at Dynasty pay-per-view event.
  • Harwood's injury led to a sizable hematoma, risking early retirement.
  • Harwood apologizes to AEW staff and fans, promising a strong return.

In an industry as demanding as that of professional wrestling, the line between proving one's mettle and pushing past the brink often blurs. One such wrestler, forced to grapple with this dilemma, is Dax Harwood—half of the formidable duo FTR with tag team partner Cash Wheeler—that has left an indelible mark on All Elite Wrestling (AEW).

Dax Harwood appears on AEW Dynamite
Dax Harwood appears on AEW Dynamite

Harwood recently surfaced on X, formerly known as Twitter, to reveal that he has been battling a significant injury while continuing his on-screen career, insisting on performing despite the escalating discomfort. His public revelation displayed a nearly palpable amalgamation of determination, guilt, and resilience proving once again the unflinching spirit behind the tough exterior of a professional wrestler.

In the video posted by Harwood, he started by expressing some of the cynicism he faces on platforms such as X before delving into the matter at hand. "I thought this was the best way that I could talk to the fans of AEW and the fans of FTR and finally, get this off of my chest," stated Harwood, a sentiment underscored by an unmistakable undertone of relief as if unburdening a weight he'd been carrying for months.

He continued by apologizing to his bosses, front staff, and particularly to the medical staff at AEW for not being completely truthful about the extent of his condition. Harwood admitted that he failed in painting a complete picture of his deteriorating physical state because he thought he could "tough it out".

The injury, he revealed, occurred during the Dynasty pay-per-view in a ladder match against The Young Bucks for the World Tag Team Championships. During the match, Harwood, in executing a piledriver maneuver on Matt Jackson through the ladder, landed awkwardly, causing significant damage to his lower back. This resulted in a severe hematoma—a condition characterized by a localized collection of blood outside the blood vessels.

As a professional athlete of his caliber, his instinct was to endure the pain and maintain FTR's rising momentum. His decision not to pull himself and Wheeler off the road epitomizes the resiliency that makes professional athletes a breed apart. However, the consequences started to manifest themselves more clearly and painfully after his recent match against the Blackpool Combat Club (BCC).

"I got to the back and I put some ice on my lower back, and the hematoma blew up to the size of a football," Harwood detailed, a statement indicating the severity of his injury and the immense pain he had been tolerating. Although he tried to downplay his condition, the struggle he underwent was apparent.

Harwood's dilemma wasn't only tied to his physical health but also the potential ramifications on his career, on Dynamite, and on AEW's Collision, which has been home to FTR for over a year. Upon finally discussing his injury with Doc Sampson and the AEW medical team, he was immediately taken off the road with a warning that his condition could worsen, possibly leading to early retirement, a fate he desperately desires to avoid.

Harwood's heartfelt disclosure presents a sobering glimpse behind the curtain into the life of a professional wrestler, a life that interweaves triumphs and trials into an intricate tapestry. His decision to take time off the air is not just a necessary act of self-preservation but also evidence of his commitment to the industry and his fans.

Perhaps Harwood's decision to come clean about his struggle could be a watershed moment, reminding us all that while professional wrestlers may perform heroic feats in the ring, they too, like their fans, are human, bearing the onerous weight of their decisions. Despite the road ahead paved with uncertainty for Harwood and FTR, his closing words offered a glimmer of determination, an avowal that he, along with his partner Wheeler, will return to the ring soon, stronger than ever. On that note, we wish Harwood a speedy recovery and eagerly await their triumphant return.

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Brad McMahonAbout Brad McMahon

Brad McMahon is an accomplished reporter known for his incisive and engaging coverage of the sports and entertainment industries at Bleeding Cool. A graduate of the masters program at the prestigious Al Isaacs School of Journalism at Harvard's Punxsutawney, PA satellite campus, McMahon finished at the top of his class, demonstrating an exceptional aptitude for storytelling and investigative journalism. His work is characterized by a deep passion for pop culture and a commitment to delivering accurate, timely news to his readers. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for uncovering the stories behind the headlines, McMahon has quickly established himself as a trusted voice in the field.
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