Posted in: TV | Tagged: "Kara Remembers", "Someone To Watch Over Me", battlestar galactica, bear mccreary, Cylons, Kara Thrace, So Say We All
"Kara Remembers" 'Battlestar Galactica' Piano Finds Home with Bear McCreary
Fans of the Ronald D. Moore reimagined Battlestar Galactica will no doubt recognize this piano, used in the seminal season 4 episode 'Someone to Watch Over Me', and its importance to the tune 'Kara Remembers' composed by Bear McCreary.
If you have NOT completed that season of BSG, you will definitely want to do that before diving into the importance of the piano.
Turns out the piano has had a hard life, one you can read more about over on the Emmy-winning composer's blog, but at long last it has returned into the Fleet Family fold.
Photo courtesy of Mr. McCreary
Today on his Twitter account, Bear McCreary shared the news that the restored piano is now a part of his writing studio.
His closing line of "what dreams might it inspire now?" is pretty awesome, and we're certainly looking forward to finding out what scores he may use it to create in the future.
Also, guess what he played first on that piano? Just guess. (Yes, it was Hera's notes, aka THAT theme.)
Because all this has happened before, and all this will happen again. You can find the Blu-ray box set of Battlestar Galactica on Amazon[easyazon_link identifier="B0036EH3U2" locale="US" tag="bleedingcoo07-20"]Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series [Blu-ray][/easyazon_link], well worth picking up.
So say we all.