Posted in: Preview, Review, streaming, TV | Tagged: cable, game show, Legends of the Hidden Temple, nickelodeon, olmec, quibi, streaming, television, tv
"Legends of the Hidden Temple": Olmec Lives! Do You Have What It Takes to Become a Legend? Prove It!
So, to catch you up to speed: Quibi is a new digital content service launching April 6 that's being catered towards phone and mobile device-users – with the focus being on short (10 minute or less) episodes released new every day to watch on your mobile device. So with that in mind… at the end of last year, Quibi announced plans to revive / reboot the cult classic and nostalgia favorite of every American kid who grew up in the 1990's, Legends of the Hidden Temple.
In case you're as ancient as the Aztecs, lived under a rock for the entire decade of the 1990s, or were raised by wolves, let me educate you on the best Nickelodeon game show of all time.
Am I over hyping it a little? Not a chance. Based on the adventures and excitement of one Indiana Jones type, this was a game show for children that originally aired from 1993 to 1995 on the children's entertainment network.
The game itself, hosted by Kirk Fogg, featured six teams of two contestants (between 11 and 14) and combined trivia challenges with physical challenges, all while keeping with the theme of the show. Oh – you don't know the theme? Players had to race to be the first to find a different cultural or historical artifact each week in the temple. A giant Aztec-type head statue, Olmec, would come to life and tell contestants the story of the artifact they were seeking this episode.
But not all players made it to the final level: a two-story temple with twelve rooms, where they had to solve puzzles and search for the pieces to assemble the shrine of the silver monkey before time ran out. But make sure to avoid temple guards – they were always low-key terrifying.
The first round was always the moat – the last two teams to pull themselves across in their raft were eliminated. The four remaining teams went on to the steps of knowledge – the trivia section where Olmec told them about the artifact of the game. The two teams to win here moved on, while the other two were eliminated.
And the final elimination was always the physical challenge – the Temple Games. Here, teams competed to earn pendants of life, which they needed if they made it to the temple run. The team with the least amount of pendants at the end of this portion was eliminated.
But the final team got to do the coolest thing of all – the temple run! I explained it before, but it was the coolest part about the game. Foam pits and puzzles and creepy forests – sign me up!
Which brings me to my point – you actually can sign up, yes, as an adult!
Quibi is bringing it back…for adults, the people who fell in love with the show when it originally aired. They're looking to cast teams of two adults who want to participate in a scaled-for-adults version of the classic game show.
Try to contain your excitement – at least just for a moment. They tweeted that you can put yourself on their general mailing list (that's e-mail for all you dinosaurs) to be informed when the casting application for the show goes live.
So…who's ready to discover the Legends of the Hidden Temple?