Posted in: Netflix, Preview, streaming, Trailer, TV | Tagged: Amenadiel, DB Woodside, lucifer, netflix, preview, Season 6, trailer
Lucifer Season 6 Preview Included with "Best of Amenadiel" Clip
With this week marking the premiere of the sixth & final season of Netflix's Lucifer, we've reached that point where Lucifans find themselves walking that thin line between wanting to reflect back on the series and wanting as many teasers as possible for what's still to come. We offer huge props to both the streamer as well as the team behind the Tom Ellis-starring series for doing their part to keep both mindsets satisfied. Case-in-point? Earlier today, fans got a chance to reflect back on some of Amenadiel's (D.B. Woodside) choice moments from the past five seasons- but there was a catch. We guess you could call it a "teaser crystal ball", but if you watch to the very end that offers a look inside Season 6 before its September 10th drop.
Now here's a look back at some of Amenadiel's greatest hits as well as a look ahead at what's still to come in his law enforcement future:
With September 10th only days away, Netflix knows that there are some Lucifans out there who are looking to scoop up every bit of intel they can. So they've put together a little something that gathers everything we know so far while also sprinkling in some new looks and censored teasers for what's to come before the final credits roll. Here's a look at everything the folks at the streaming service can tell you about Lucifer Season 6, what they can't tell you, and what they can kinda-sorta tell you with some well-placed bleeping and pixelating:
And check out the sneak preview for S0603 "Yabba Dabba Do Me" at the end of the following clip focusing on some of Lucifer's finest moments for a look at The Devil and getting very "animated":
From what the streaming service series has been telling us about these final episodes, it appears Lucifer (Ellis) is a little hesitant about the whole "God" thing. But while he debates taking on the biggest CEO role in all of existence, the world begins to not feel so well while Heaven lacks a big boss. And for those you who had some lingering questions about The Devil's ensemble, you might also be getting a few clues in the area too- like the path Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) would take to help bring law and order to society. Here's a look back at The Devil's final run as Lucifer Season 6 hits Netflix on September 10th:
Here's a look at some of the best and brightest bloopers this side of Season 5 Part 2, and wrapping up with a trip down memory lane in the form of the cast doing a table read of the pilot in honor of Geeked Week:
Speaking of Season 6, how about some intel on the episodes in the form of titles, directors, and writers? Because that's what the show's writers have offered over the past few weeks. For our ten chapters, we have (with directors/writers) "Nothing Ever Changes Around Here" (Kevin Alejandro/ Mike Costa), "Buckets of Baggage" (Richard Speight Jr. / Jen Graham Imada), "Yabba Dabba Do Me" (Nathan Hope / Joe Henderson), "Pin the Tail on the Baddie" (Viet Nguyen / Carly Woodworth), "The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar" (Lisa Demaine / Lloyd Gilyard Jr.), "A Lot Dirtier Than That" (Claudia Yarmy / Ildy Modrovich), "My Best Fiend" (Nathan Hope / Julia Fontana), "Save the Devil, Save the World" (DB Woodside / Aiyana White), and "Goodbye, Lucifer" (Kevin Alejandro / Chris Rafferty), and "Partners 'Til the End" (Sherwin Shilati / Ildy Modrovich & Joe Henderson).