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Rick and Morty Revisits Rick's Evil Side; Evil Morty Still A Problem?

Adult Swim looks back at the best moments from Evil Rick, while we look back at how Evil Morty is as much of a threat now than ever before.

As we await word on when we'll be getting more of Dan Harmon & Justin Roiland's Rick and Morty injected into our lives (either Season 7 or the upcoming spinoff anime series we've been offering up some theories over the past few weeks on the Adult Swim series. In particular, we've focused on if Evil Morty or Rick Prime (or both) could end up being the biggest threat to our dimension-hopping duo. But now, we have a featurette courtesy of Adult Swim that serves as a pleasant reminder that when Rick taps into his evil side, there's no one more dangerous.

rick and morty
Image: Adult Swim Screencap

For a look at Rick as his most diabolical, check out the following featurette – followed by a look back at a theory that we have regarding Evil Morty:

Rick and Morty: Could Evil Morty Actually Be Rick AND Morty?

From S01E10 "Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind" through the fifth season finale (and casting a shadow over the sixth season), there has been a lot of speculation about Evil Morty's true backstory. We've had a few clues from Rick over the seasons that appear to speak to how Evil Morty came to be (like when Rick warns Morty of the dangers of a prideful Morty), but with a series like Harmon's & Roiland's, it's tough to know what's canon, what's a "What If…?" scenario, and what's a red herring. With that said, we can't shake this feeling that Evil Morty is Rick AND Morty. Literally. It's been established that the Council of Ricks and the Citadel would be willing to do anything to guarantee that the duo's dynamic be maintained because of the usefulness of Mortys. But it's crystal clear that it's not a respectful relationship, with Mortys seen (at best) as second-class citizens or (at worst) just another easily disposable & replaceable tool in Rick's toolbox.

So what if the Ricks attempted to eliminate the need for a physical Morty companion altogether by gene-splicing (or another procedure that's above my paygrade) what the Ricks needed from Mortys as a Rick upgrade? Or, in this case, we're talking about an effort to "test tube" a Rick from scratch with Morty DNA, only for a Morty to be born with both genetic traits. The Council of Ricks would see this as a sacrilege and order him destroyed, but somehow he survived… with a nature/nurture hatred of both halves of the duos. And to add another twist into the mix, imagine how interesting things would get if it turns out that was another secret that the Ricks kept from our Rick.

But why wouldn't this make Evil Morty the duo's ultimate big bad? Because he only represents one dangerous endgame to the Rick and Morty dynamic. In this case, Evil Morty personified the dangers of our duo losing their respective identities. As important as it's been for the two to dial back on their relationship's toxicity, it's also important for the two to remain proper counterbalances to each other. It's the healthiest thing the two have going for them. But with Rick Prime, we have another side to the same coin. In this case (and as our Rick spoke of previously), Rick Prime is a cautionary tale of where the road leads when a Rick shuts out those around him who care, who gives in to his God complex, and loses the essential things that would help ground his humanity. So by being willing to face their alt selves head-on, the duo is putting the strength of their six-season-forged dynamic to the test.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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