Posted in: Adult Swim, AMC, Netflix, Peacock, streaming, TV, YouTube | Tagged: chucky, fraggle rock, interview with the vampire, mandalorian, rick and morty, the bear, yellowjackets, Yule Log
Rick and Morty, The Bear, Yellowjackets & More Twisted "Yule Logs"
Being a TV/Streaming Editor of "a certain age" (does it really matter?), we remember growing up with the proud holiday tradition of the WPIX yule log. For those of you new to the concept, basically, the local NYC/NJ affiliate would broadcast a roaring fireplace so that families could have it on in the background during their holiday festivities. And to a ton of surprises at the time, not only did it do well from a numbers standpoint, but it was also… I don't know… kinda cool in a way that recognized that just because every home can't have a physical fireplace, that didn't mean families should be deprived of that "fireplace" vibe. Over the years, the yule log trend grew as more local stations hosted their own versions of it. Then, with cable & streaming entering the scene, we went from network yule logs to show-themed yule logs. And once you threw social media and YouTube into the mix, what we started getting were a lot of "deconstructed" yule logs that look to emulate the spirit while tapping into the pride of the show's fanbase. So with that in mind, we have a selection of "yule logs" that fit the "deconstructed" tag in some very unique (and in one instance, truly horrifying) way. We're looking at Showtime's Yellowjackets, Disney+'s The Mandalorian, Apple TV+'s Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock, SYFY & USA Network's Chucky, Adult Swim's Rick and Morty, FXX's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Paramount+'s Mike Judge's Beavis and Butt-Head, AMC's Interview with the Vampire, FX's The Bear, and Nickelodeon… oh, and then there's Adult Swim Yule Log. Yeah… that one…
And what better way to kick things off than with some creepy window symbols to haunt your holiday hours?
Or spending some time by the campfire with Mando and Grogu (though we miss the days of calling him "Baby Yoda"):
And who can resist spending some time back at "The Rock," right?
And then there's our favorite demonic doll to help feed into your worst holiday instincts:
Of course, you can always join Rick and Morty for some Interdimensional Cable:
Or join Beavis in worshiping his Dumpster Fire God:
Or maybe you're looking to spend some time with some folks who are looking to avoid the holidays as much as you are:
Or stare into your possible future in the form of a kitchen fire from FX's "hot" new series (you're welcome):
Of course, it would only make sense for The Gang to be warming their hands on a car fire considering the number of vehicles that have lost their lives over the course of 15 seasons:
Meanwhile, as you read this? We have slime roasting on an open fire being live-streamed as you read this…
And that brings us to the Adult Swim Yule Log… one that begs the question, "When is a yule log not a yule log?" The answer that this one offers (a preview of which you get here) is definitely one that will have you looking at "yule log videos" a bit differently from now on: