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'Star Trek: Discovery'- Captain Pike's Future, 'Star Trek' Canon
If there was one thing in Star Trek: Discovery season 2 we were looking forward to, it was the addition of Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike. The legendary first commander of the Federation Starship Enterprise has been a formidable figure in the history of Trek, and his inclusion in the CBS All Access series sophomore outing was just as good as we were hoping for.
The only downside? He's not coming back for season 3.
Series EP and showrunner Alex Kurtzman assured SYFY Wire that the lore of DISCO will match up with classic Trek canon and the sendoff of Pike:
"We will synch up with canon, and obviously if you know the story of Captain Pike, you know what his fate was. It won't be exactly what you think this season, but we will be consistent with that story. There will be a dimension shed on that story that you will not have known or have thought of."
Executive Producer Heather Kadin added:
"If anything it's not going to feel like a sendoff, because I think that's what everyone thinks is going to happen. I think it will just become incredibly clear why he's not continuing on, cause he has to go do TOS, so we have to make sense of that."
The DISCO cast also chimed in, with Anthony Rapp saying:
"Pike has been an iconic character for the longtime fans of the show for so long, and I feel like people have sort of imagined what kind of captain he would be like, because you got such a small glimpse of it. I feel like he's, for so may people, satisfied their hopes for what kind of captain he would be. For me he's a really nice blend of Kirk and Picard. He has Picard's sense of letting people be themselves, but he's a little bit more laid back, and not a cowboy like Kirk, but he's a little bit more willing to break some rules sometimes. I just think Anson brings incredible presence with that."
And Ethan Peck who plays Spock saying:
"Captain Pike was so unexplored in a lot of ways, you know, he was only in 'The Cage' and 'The Menagerie,' and Anson's really brought it to life, like he's never been before. And I think he's done such an amazing job, I just admire the heck out of him as an actor and as a captain. There's some things upcoming that I think will prove to be very exciting for fans of Captain Pike."
Doug Jones who plays Saru also had something to say about Pike:
"To get more of a backstory on him now has been delicious. And who could have played him better than Anson Mount? I think he is doing such a beautiful job; he's like the perfect captain. He's strong, authoritative, but he's also very warm and nurturing to his crew. We knew going in that we only had him temporarily, because we borrowed him from the Enterprise, right? … He and Spock have to go back, and Rebecca Romijn [also departing in season 3] as Number One, we can't hold them all forever or the original series can't play as it was filmed. But with him inevitably leaving, what does that do to the captain's chair?"
Needless to say, we're hoping that the ending of season 2 really does deliver on everything promised.
Star Trek: Discovery seasons 1 and 2 are currently available for streaming via CBS All Access.