Posted in: CW, Preview, streaming, Supernatural, Trailer, TV, YouTube | Tagged: bleeding cool, cable, carry on, Castiel, Chuck, Dean, Jack, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, preview, sam, Season 15, SPN, SPN Family, streaming, Supernatural, teaser, television, trailer, tv, winchesters
Supernatural: Jared Padalecki Wouldn't Mind SPN Not Being "Remembered"
As The CW's Supernatural nears its 15-season run with Thursday night's two-hour series finale event (beginning with a one-hour series retrospect, followed by "Carry On") that's said to focus on Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles), and where their roads go from here, the show's leads have had some time to reflect back on what filming the final season was like- in particular, what it was like getting back to film the remaining episodes. In fact, Padalecki and Ackles did just that during a recent interview– taking viewers behind the emotions that come with saying goodbye to career family after over 1-1/2 decades together. Here are some of the highlights:
Padalecki and Ackles did something during the filming of the finale they've never done before: after everyone else left, they hung out on set and just took it all in. "It was like, 'We did this.' That was pretty cool,'" Ackles revealed. "I mean, obviously we know that we didn't do it by ourselves, but it was really the first time that he and I looked at each other and (realized) we should be proud of what we've built here. Because it Is something to be proud of." For them, it's not about taking credit but about appreciating the scope of the experience. "It wasn't like, 'Hey, look how awesome we are.' It was like, 'Hey, man, remember when we cried and we bled and we broke bones – literally? Remember all the alarm clocks when the sun wasn't up yet?' However this turns out, however it's received, we gave it everything," explained Padalecki- who also says that the series wrap-up is "really powerful" and that "if you're not already crying by the last five or 10 minutes, then you don't have a soul. You don't have a heart."
As for how the pair would like the long-running series to be viewed by the pop culture landscape down the road, Ackles and Padalecki offered two interesting perspectives. For Ackles, it's the hope that Supernatural becomes that series that gets talked about and screened from generation-to-generation. "You show somebody a show or a movie like that now with all of the CGI and they're like, 'Wow, the effects on this suck.' And for me, I'm like, 'That was amazing!' I'm anxious to meet those people in 20 years when they're like, 'Man, that show was such an epic part of my childhood' or 'I grew up with you guys' or 'I can't wait to show my kids that show when they're of age,'" he explained. But Padalecki likes the idea of Supernatural being something that's always fresh and vibrant and not just a pop culture artifact or "television time capsule": "I hope it's not remembered. I hope 'Supernatural' is continuously experienced and enjoyed and appreciated by all ages, all demographics, and so I hope it remains present."
Supernatural season 15, episode 20 "Carry On": THE END — After 15 seasons, the longest running sci fi series in the US is coming to an end. Baby, it's the final ride for saving people and hunting things. The episode was directed by Robert Singer and written by Andrew Dabb.
"Supernatural" Cast on The Journey Coming to An End
Though news of the series' was announced in March 2019 (with Collins via Instagram post, which you check out below), Ackles and Padalecki did their part to get viewers through the grieving process a month later, taking the stage at VegasCon 2019 to explain that the decision to end the series was a "community decision" and not influenced by the network or the studio. In the video below, Ackles wanted the crowd to know that the decision was one they had discussed for quite some time now, saying, "It wasn't an easy decision. It was months and months, if not years, of discussion between he and I, between the rest of the cast, between the crew, between our writers, between our producers, between the studio, between the network. Nobody wanted to see this show fizzle out."
For the Supernatural team, it was a matter of knowing when the right time was to leave. Ackles says it was important to find that right balance between not staying around too long and giving yourself enough time to tell the story that fans deserve: "I think that it was everyone wanting to do the biggest service to the show that we could by going out strong. It just seemed like the writing was kind of on the wall as to when that was happening. Everybody kind of felt that it was coming soon, and so it was just taking that leap of faith of going like, 'Well guys, let's get out the paint and paint that finish line because what we've accomplished is unlike any other.'"