Posted in: DC Universe, TV | Tagged: clerks, entertainment, kevin smith, supergirl, television, The Flash
The Casts of Supergirl and Flash Wish Kevin Smith a Speedy Recovery
As many of you may know, writer/director/actor/television personality Kevin Smith had a massive heart attack and is now at home recovering. He's posted a lot to social media since his ordeal began, including an image of himself from his hospital bed. When people think of Smith, they tend to think of his movies like Clerks, Chasing Amy and Dogma or they think of his shows like Comic Book Men and his other appearances as himself. But over the last three years Smith has become a regular director for the Arrowverse series The Flash and Supergirl. He's done three episodes of each so far with the Supergirl ones, Supergirl Lives, Distant Sun and Damage, already having aired. On the Flash, we've seen the Runaway Dinosaur and Killer Frost with his upcoming third episode being #418 and the title has yet to be revealed.
Having heard of Smith's medical situation, the cast and crew of the two series put together get well cards for their director.
You have to appreciate that fact that not only are the cards covered with messages and signatures, but they're both custom made cards. Smith posted the cards to his Twitter account today, thanking his "friends & family" at the two shows. Smith has talked about wanting to direct or write and episode of Arrow, but that hasn't happened yet.