Posted in: Disney+, Review, Star Wars, TV | Tagged: disney, star wars, The Mandalorian
"The Mandalorian" S01, Ep03: "The Sin" Brings the Bling (Spoiler Review)
I have had nothing but great things to say about The Mandalorian, the first live action televised project set in the Star Wars universe. It's an audacious undertaking, filled with lush visuals, stunning action sequences, great performances, and an extraordinary soundtrack. The Mandalorian was a pretty pricey way to launch Disney + as a streaming platform, and with The Sin, we get a bigger glimpse into the potential thrills this series might have in store for us.
Oh, yeah. Bring on the spoiler warning, because this episode brings some heat.
Mr. Mando (Pedro Pascal) brings Baby Yodito (that's his name until I hear otherwise) to the Client (Werner Herzog), and gets paid a whole mountain of beskar for his troubles. Beskar is a metal that was stolen from the Mandalorian people by the Empire, since it has properties that can stop a blaster bolt— in the expanded universe, it could even stop a lightsaber blade.
The Mandalorian takes his loot to the Armorer, who makes him a new shiny suit of armor out of the sacred metal. This doesn't sit well with one of the other Mandalorians (Jon Favreau), who takes our Mando to task for working with the Empire that destroyed the Mandalorian home world. We're starting to see a whole lot of the history of what happened to the Mandalorian people after the civil war story arc on Clone Wars.
We also get to see more of the main Mandalorian's back story, and see that his parents were killed in battle against the Separatist Droid Army, most likely during the Clone Wars. The fact that the people that were being killed weren't fighting back ties into the Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze wanting to bring her people to a peaceful existence, which didn't set well with warrior rebels like Pre Visla.
Now, we see that Visla was right. His methods were wrong, but he knew the threats that lie in wait for Mandalore. I'm certain we'll see even more as the season goes forward.
We get our first mention of the New Republic, as Greef Karga (Carl Weathers) tells the Mandalorian that he could report the Imperial outliers to the fledgling government— our Mando only replies that the New Republic is a joke. It looks like the New Republic was pretty much doomed from the start.
We do know that the Mandalorian survivors live their lives in hiding, only allowing one of their rank to go forward into the world at a time. Our Mando decides that his consciousness won't allow him to leave an innocent to suffer, and he breaks into the Client's compound to rescue baby Yodito.
The assault on the compound is exceptionally tense, with our Mando kicking ass and taking names in his shiny new armor. He gets Yodito, and then makes his way to his ship— leaving destruction in his wake. Unfortunately, this action activates the tracker fob attached to the baby, and now an entire city of hunters is tracking the two of them as they make their way to safety.
Deborah Chow directs an incredibly thrilling stand off between the Mandalorian and the denizens of this wretched hive of scum and villainy, and I would have been just fine with the episode ending with a narrow escape. But, no. Favreau and Chow wouldn't let me off that easy. Reinforcements arrive for our hero, my inner ten year old leaps out of my skull, high-fives present day me, and reality shifts one parsec closer to the Universe of Ass Kickers.
The conclusion of The Sin brings some of the most intensely satisfying action ever shot for Star Wars, and I know a ton of Mandalorian cosplayers passed out during the finale. We are seeing what real Mandalorians are like, and what their code of honor is about. Punk ass posers like Boba Fett need not apply— real Mandalorians kick ass and rescue babies.
This is the Way.