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Tony Hinchcliffe Should Change His Depends After Trump Rally: AOC

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wasn't quite done with alleged comedian Tony Hinchcliffe after his debacle during Trump's MSG rally.

Wherever you land on the political spectrum heading into November 5th, I believe we can all come together and agree on one thing – and it's this. Ex-reality show host, multi-impeached ex-POTUS, and convicted felon Donald Trump's rally at Madison Square Garden in New York City was a steaming pile of hate that could only be appreciated by those who incorporate white sheets and hoods into their fashion on a regular basis and those who prefer to make their own self-hatred our problem instead of going to get their hands on a whole lot of therapy. We went into way more detail about it yesterday (and that was before Trump started mumbling about "enemies within" and more doddering nonsense), but just to give you some examples? This was from Dude Who Looked Like Stanley Tucci After Too Many Steroids Who Needed a Better-Fitting Suit: "Hillary Clinton.. what a sick son of a bitch. The whole fucking party, a bunch of degenerates.."  and "But the fucking illegals, they get whatever they want." And this was what Dude Who Looking Like He Was About to Be Claimed by Stage 3 Diabetes Type 3 Before The Devil Gets His Chance had to offer about Vice President Kamala Harris: "She [VP Kamala Harris] is the devil.. she is the Antichrist."

Images: MSNBC Screencaps; Depends Screencap

But the line-up of X, Y, and Z-Listers continued with Tucker Carlson (who couldn't even meet FOX "News" kind of journalistic ethics), Dr. Phil (who has Oprah Winfrey to thank for his media career), Hulk Hogan (this dude), and more examples of what not to aspire to. But the person who got a ton of attention was podcaster and alleged comedian Tony Hinchcliffe, who really seemed to be at home on that stage, taking cheap shots at those individuals and groups that the mongrels at MSG have been foaming at the mouth over for years. It's not like Tony didn't know who he was opening for, and it's not like it was a comedy club. It was a political rally. "There's a lot going on. I don't know if you know this, but there's literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it's called Puerto Rico." And with that, Tony set the tone for what was to come – and it did not go unnoticed, based on news reports, social media, and online reactions.

Two people in particular who pushed back on Tony's attempts at MAGA love were VP Harris's running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who were taking part in a campaign event that saw the two playing Madden NFL and Crazy Taxi on Twitch. Walz and AOC didn't mince words in condemning what we're assuming was supposed to be Tony's attempts at working on his next "tight five." Well, it turns out that Tony's a little soft and didn't appreciate having his sense of humor called out – so guess what old playbook he went with?

"These people have no sense of humor. Wild that a vice presidential candidate would take time out of his 'busy schedule' to analyze a joke taken out of context to make it seem racist. I love Puerto Rico and vacation there. I made fun of everyone…watch the whole set. I'm a comedian, Tim…. It might be time to change your tampon.," was Tony's response, coming across a little too "snowflakey." As much as we're sure Tony was feeling like a "big man" when he sent that out, he went all kinds of quiet afterward (aside from a reposting where he seems to equate himself with Don Rickles – though we can't remember a time when Rickles opened up for Nazi/white supremacist rally). That's okay… AOC didn't need to hear from him again for her response.

Tony Hinchcliffe Should Change His Depends After Trump Rally: AOC
Image: Twitter Screencap

"You're opening for Trump by calling Puerto Rico a floating pile of garbage. 4,000+ Puerto Ricans died under him," AOC posted in response. "This isn't the comedy store. You're using your set to boost neo-Nazis like MTG & stripping women's rights to the Stone Age. Your 'sense of humor' doesn't change that." AOC continued, "And before people try to act like this is some PC overly sensitive nonsense, I've been to Kill Tony shows. I'm from the Bronx. I don't give a shit about crude humor. But don't pretend that your support for Trump is a joke. Own it. You doing a set to support him. That's a choice."

But that was far from all, with AOC returning to social media to make sure Tony knew where things stood. "Can't get over this dude telling someone else to change tampons when he's the one shitting bricks in his Depends after realizing opening for a Trump rally and feeding red-meat racism alongside a throng of other bigots to a frothing crowd does, unironically, make you one of them," AOC posted in the first of two tweets. "You don't 'love Puerto Rico.' You like drinking piña coladas. There's a difference." We will keep you posted if Tony updates us on his Depends status – here's a look at AOC's posts:

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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