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Avatar Artist Turns To Christian Comics With Captain Salvation
Youth minister Curt Hawn has sold his technology company DTI Global, serving law firms in Atlanta to fund the publication of a new comic book, Captain Salvation.
Co-written with Christian camp counsellor Joshua Carpenter the books are drawn by artist Greg Waller, better known for his colour work on Avatar titles such as Doktor Sleepless, Crossed, No Hero, Black Summer, Lady Death and even the covers of my own Holed Up.
While Waller's previous high-profile work has tended to concentrate on the depraved and profane, Captain Salavation is anything but.
The Christian-themed comic sees Captain Salvation, basically a Superman-style character, perform heroic deeds with a long term mission. Such as saving a young orphaned girl from a flaming building, who is destined to become a great missionary. And indeed the comic book has been shipped to missionaried worldwide.
The comic is promoted by former Carolina Panther Shane Burton, who dresses as the character at public appearances. The first book, The Kingdom Strikes Back, sees the lead character as a superhero legacy character but one who rejects his inherited power in favour of that derived from God.
And, with his inner city black sidekick Joshua, and onlooking angel SoZo (named after the label that published Captain Salvation-themed music), they ride a Harley nicknamed the Holy Roller, as they fight demons – and the robots they control.
That's right folks, Harley riding Christian superheroes fighting robots from Hell. This is not exactly Christian Archie. Maybe a little of Avatar did rub off after all…
Comics, music, T-Shirts and more can be bought here.