Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics
Thursday Runaround – A Midsummer Dark Knight's Dream
SarahJaneSmithWatch: The week before her death, Tom Baker had signed to record a series of Doctor Who audio dramas with Elisabeth Sladen.
The BBC will run a tribute show on CBBC on Saturday.
StageWatch: A reading of Kill Shakespeare will be performed after each performance of A Midsummer's Night Dream, by the cast of the play, at the Young Centre for the Performing Arts in Canada.
SexWatch: Chester Brown's graphic novel about sex workers, Paying For It, is on its way…
"It's a huge honour for Goodhandy's to host Chester's launch," says Todd Klinck, co-owner of Goodhandy's and an outspoken proponent of sex work. "So few clients of prostitutes are brave enough to be open and positive about the client-hooker relationships, and that's what excites me most."
AppWatch: Dark Horse release the Dark Horse Comics App next Wednesday, with a free Hellboy: Seed Of Destruction issue already lined up, with more free comics for those subscribed to the digital Dark Horse newsletter.
Batwatch: Jock shows us how he reinterpreted Scott Snyder's script for a page of Detective Comics.
SalomeWatch: As P Craig Russell's adaptation of Salome hits the digital comicsphere, here's a film with him talking about the process of adaptation…
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
Johnny Depp-Produced 'Rex Mundi' Hires Writers (Exclusive) – Hollywood Reporter
Created by Arvid Nelson and Eric Johnson, the comic was first published by Image then later by Dark Horse. Warners picked up the rights in 2006 with Jim Uhls writing the initial script.
He's drawing Marvel's big event series of 2011 Fear Itself. He's coming out with the second edition of his artbook series Centifolia. And now he's getting into the clip art business.
Homer Simpson's Duff beer gives Lithuanian publisher a headache | The Australian
The publisher said it was fined $3838, and froze publication of the monthly comic while it figured out how to handle the Duff issue.
Computo Still Thinks Kelley Has Been Crowdsourcing This Show Like Crazy
When David E. Kelley's draft pilot script for Wonder Woman leaked online, the early reaction was not kind, to say the least. The script included lots of Diana crying, moping over ice cream, and hunching in a fetal position. But since that draft, which was dated December 2010, there have been a ton of rewrites on Kelley's script.
John Brooke Shields: Agent of Fury
I recently uncovered some old pitches from my early years at Marvel Comics. These were all short humor pieces (of which I did quite a number) for titles such as What If…? and What the…? Because of the nature of them I often pitched them in rough cartoon form rather than as written pitches. This one was probably for What the…? but was never used. I don't recall the reason. My initial suspicion was that there were fears of litigation from Brooke Shields, but that sort of thing was still uncommon back then. Certainly it was nothing like it is now where you can't even mention a public figure or product by name in a comic book, and new character names are often changed anyway just in case.
Will a Lawsuit Finally Bury The Crow?
"Mr. Kavanaugh was not going to honor that contract. Apparently, he's going to sell these rights to others. He made a bunch of threats… Some people may submit to that kind of arrogant conduct, but we're not going to do it. If anybody tries to buy these distribution rights in The Crow, they are buying nothing but a lawsuit and they will get sued."