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Runaround From Turkey To Persia To Switzerland To India
TurkeyWatch: As a statue of Atatürk is planned for Kushimoto, Japan, the site where a Turkish ship once sank, its sailors rescued by the local Japanese, it seems that Turkey is ready to embrace manga in its official Japan Year.
Throughout the year Japanese culture will be promoted to the Turkish public to deepen and diversify the current relations. "Turks and Japanese people feel very positively toward each other, but in fact they do not know each other. Our aim is to further inform Turks about Japan and its culture," Yuko Omagari from the Turkey-Japan Society told the Daily News. In planned activities in Istanbul and other cities, Japanese martial arts, Kimono traditions, tea ceremonies, traditional theater plays, Japanese movies and manga comics will be introduced to Turks.
PaunchWatch: The Daily Mail have very cleverly noticed that Gerard Butler has put on weight since his appearance in 300 three years ago – a film in which he probably trained extensively for. Ah well.
DigiWatch: Take Comics from the North East of England has won some kind of Dragon's Den-style comptetion to win funding for its digitising comics process. There are few details but lots of plugs.
LocalWatch: Chicago comic artist Jim Terry is profiled in the Sun Times.
I've taken a beating on every book I've ever published… But as I've gotten older, I've realized it's nicer to look at what I have and be happy rather than stare at some magazine and wish I had some sort of fame or heavy-duty money.
StageWatch: Indian comic The Black Hole and Other News from the When Kulbhushan Met Stöckli graphic anthology is being adapted to the stage as Strange Lines directed by Delhi-based theatre director and Amitesh Grovery and presented by the Swedish Arts Council. Its an international world!