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Saturday Runaround – From Larsen's Annoyance To Lee's Gloom
Comics2FilmWatch: Blake Lively cast as Carol Ferris In Green Lantern…
LarsenWatch: From Erik Larsen's new column at CBR;
"You guys with your trades and your DVDs – you're like babies. And when you cry for that titty, that titty is right there – it appears as if by magic. You're a bunch of crybabies, and those of you wishing for the demise of the monthly comic book and the rise of a trade only really are the biggest babies of the lot."
I love Erik Larsen when kicks off like this…
MillarWatch: From Millar's CBR interview;
'Kick-Ass' and the various printings all add up to an average of 114,000 copies sold per issue so far. It's the biggest selling creator-owned series of the decade.
You know, Asterix sold about 5 to 6 million of each volume in the series… still according to Millar, a big name director/produce/studio wants to make Nemesis now…
Two other guys got in touch before Christmas, but this is one of those guy's everyone has heard of. Very tempting, but my fairy godfather Vaughn told me to stick to a plan on this and build up a bidding frenzy in the weeks leading up to Kick-Ass premiere as they KNOW this will make a fortune and, given that Wanted made 350 mill, they feel Nemesis could be the next big thing.
TwitterWatch: Actress Sarah Paulson and actor Nathan Fillon have been twittering each other… And Frank Miller's The Spirit came up,
Nathan Fillon: Watching the Spirit! Know how close we came to working together there?
Sarah Paulson: aren't you glad you were spared that one? Had fun shooting it tho!!! but boy, do I have stories…wowzers
She is such a twittertease…
TonyLeeWatch: Arcana are to publish the new Gloom series, by Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood;
LegalWatch: And as Jack Kirby's estate get countersued by Marvel, it's worth reminding people at this point, that Jack Kirby and his estate have never received a royalty payment from Marvel. Not for comics, films, TV shows, cartoons, posters, t-shirts, trade paperbacks, the lot. So if some accuse the estate of being a little over-mercurial in some cases, let's just say they've got a lot of catching up to do.